from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
import base64
from io import BytesIO
import param
import panel as pn
with param.logging_level('CRITICAL'):
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from param.parameterized import bothmethod
from ..renderer import Renderer, MIME_TYPES, HTML_TAGS
from ...core.options import Store
from ...core import HoloMap
from .callbacks import callbacks
from .util import clean_internal_figure_properties
def _PlotlyHoloviewsPane(fig_dict, **kwargs):
Custom Plotly pane constructor for use by the HoloViews Pane.
# Remove internal HoloViews properties
config = fig_dict.pop('config', {})
if config.get('responsive'):
kwargs['sizing_mode'] = 'stretch_both'
plotly_pane = pn.pane.Plotly(fig_dict, viewport_update_policy='mouseup',
config=config, **kwargs)
# Register callbacks on pane
for callback_cls in callbacks.values():
lambda event, cls=callback_cls: cls.update_streams_from_property_update(, event.obj.object),
return plotly_pane
[docs]class PlotlyRenderer(Renderer):
backend = param.String(default='plotly', doc="The backend name.")
fig = param.ObjectSelector(default='auto', objects=['html', 'png', 'svg', 'auto'], doc="""
Output render format for static figures. If None, no figure
rendering will occur. """)
holomap = param.ObjectSelector(default='auto',
objects=['scrubber','widgets', 'gif',
None, 'auto'], doc="""
Output render multi-frame (typically animated) format. If
None, no multi-frame rendering will occur.""")
mode_formats = {'fig': ['html', 'png', 'svg'],
'holomap': ['widgets', 'scrubber', 'gif', 'auto']}
widgets = ['scrubber', 'widgets']
_loaded = False
_render_with_panel = True
[docs] @bothmethod
def get_plot_state(self_or_cls, obj, doc=None, renderer=None, **kwargs):
Given a HoloViews Viewable return a corresponding figure dictionary.
Allows cleaning the dictionary of any internal properties that were added
fig_dict = super(PlotlyRenderer, self_or_cls).get_plot_state(obj, renderer, **kwargs)
config = fig_dict.get('config', {})
# Remove internal properties (e.g. '_id', '_dim')
# Run through Figure constructor to normalize keys
# (e.g. to expand magic underscore notation)
fig_dict = go.Figure(fig_dict).to_dict()
fig_dict['config'] = config
# Remove template
fig_dict.get('layout', {}).pop('template', None)
return fig_dict
def _figure_data(self, plot, fmt, as_script=False, **kwargs):
if fmt == 'gif':
import as pio
from PIL import Image
from import ensure_server, shutdown_server, status
running = status.state == 'running'
if not running:
nframes = len(plot)
frames = []
for i in range(nframes):
img_bytes = BytesIO()
figure = go.Figure(self.get_plot_state(plot))
img = pio.to_image(figure, 'png', validate=False)
if not running:
bio = BytesIO()
duration = (1./self.fps)*1000
frames[0].save(bio, format='GIF', append_images=frames[1:],
save_all=True, duration=duration, loop=0)
data =
elif fmt in ('png', 'svg'):
import as pio
# Wrapping plot.state in go.Figure here performs validation
# and applies any default theme.
figure = go.Figure(self.get_plot_state(plot))
data = pio.to_image(figure, fmt)
if fmt == 'svg':
data = data.decode('utf-8')
raise ValueError("Unsupported format: {fmt}".format(fmt=fmt))
if as_script:
b64 = base64.b64encode(data).decode("utf-8")
(mime_type, tag) = MIME_TYPES[fmt], HTML_TAGS[fmt]
src = HTML_TAGS['base64'].format(mime_type=mime_type, b64=b64)
div = tag.format(src=src, mime_type=mime_type, css='')
return div
return data
[docs] @classmethod
def plot_options(cls, obj, percent_size):
factor = percent_size / 100.0
obj = obj.last if isinstance(obj, HoloMap) else obj
plot = Store.registry[cls.backend].get(type(obj), None)
options = plot.lookup_options(obj, 'plot').options
width = options.get('width', plot.width) * factor
height = options.get('height', plot.height) * factor
return dict(options, **{'width':int(width), 'height': int(height)})
[docs] @classmethod
def load_nb(cls, inline=True):
Loads the plotly notebook resources.
import panel.models.plotly # noqa
cls._loaded = True
if 'plotly' not in getattr(pn.extension, '_loaded_extensions', ['plotly']):
def _activate_plotly_backend(renderer):
if renderer == "plotly":
pn.pane.HoloViews._panes["plotly"] = _PlotlyHoloviewsPane