Source code for holoviews.plotting.plotly.callbacks

from weakref import WeakValueDictionary

from param.parameterized import add_metaclass

from ...streams import (
    Stream, Selection1D, RangeXY, RangeX, RangeY, BoundsXY, BoundsX, BoundsY,

from .util import _trace_to_subplot

[docs]class PlotlyCallbackMetaClass(type): """ Metaclass for PlotlyCallback classes. We want each callback class to keep track of all of the instances of the class. Using a meta class here lets us keep the logic for instance tracking in one place. """ def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): super(PlotlyCallbackMetaClass, cls).__init__(name, bases, attrs) # Create weak-value dictionary to hold instances of the class cls.instances = WeakValueDictionary() def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): inst = super(PlotlyCallbackMetaClass, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs) # Store weak reference to the callback instance in the _instances # WeakValueDictionary. This will allow instances to be garbage collected and # the references will be automatically removed from the colleciton when this # happens. cls.instances[inst.plot.trace_uid] = inst return inst
@add_metaclass(PlotlyCallbackMetaClass) class PlotlyCallback(object): def __init__(self, plot, streams, source, **params): self.plot = plot self.streams = streams self.source = source self.last_event = None @classmethod def update_streams_from_property_update(cls, property_value, fig_dict): event_data = cls.get_event_data_from_property_update(property_value, fig_dict) streams = [] for trace_uid, stream_data in event_data.items(): if trace_uid in cls.instances: cb = cls.instances[trace_uid] try: unchanged = stream_data == cb.last_event except Exception: unchanged = False if unchanged: continue cb.last_event = stream_data for stream in cb.streams: stream.update(**stream_data) streams.append(stream) try: Stream.trigger(streams) except Exception as e: raise e @classmethod def get_event_data_from_property_update(cls, property_value, fig_dict): raise NotImplementedError class Selection1DCallback(PlotlyCallback): callback_property = "selected_data" @classmethod def get_event_data_from_property_update(cls, selected_data, fig_dict): traces = fig_dict.get('data', []) # build event data and compute which trace UIDs are eligible # Look up callback with UID # graph reference and update the streams point_inds = {} if selected_data: for point in selected_data['points']: point_inds.setdefault(point['curveNumber'], []) point_inds[point['curveNumber']].append(point['pointNumber']) event_data = {} for trace_ind, trace in enumerate(traces): trace_uid = trace.get('uid', None) new_index = point_inds.get(trace_ind, []) event_data[trace_uid] = dict(index=new_index) return event_data class BoundsCallback(PlotlyCallback): callback_property = "selected_data" boundsx = False boundsy = False @classmethod def get_event_data_from_property_update(cls, selected_data, fig_dict): traces = fig_dict.get('data', []) if not selected_data or 'range' not in selected_data: # No valid box selection box = None else: # Get x and y axis references box = selected_data["range"] axis_refs = list(box) xref = [ref for ref in axis_refs if ref.startswith('x')][0] yref = [ref for ref in axis_refs if ref.startswith('y')][0] # Process traces event_data = {} for trace_ind, trace in enumerate(traces): trace_type = trace.get('type', 'scatter') trace_uid = trace.get('uid', None) if _trace_to_subplot.get(trace_type, None) != ['xaxis', 'yaxis']: continue if (box and trace.get('xaxis', 'x') == xref and trace.get('yaxis', 'y') == yref): new_bounds = (box[xref][0], box[yref][0], box[xref][1], box[yref][1]) if cls.boundsx and cls.boundsy: stream_data = dict(bounds=new_bounds) elif cls.boundsx: stream_data = dict(boundsx=(new_bounds[0], new_bounds[2])) elif cls.boundsy: stream_data = dict(boundsy=(new_bounds[1], new_bounds[3])) else: stream_data = dict() event_data[trace_uid] = stream_data else: if cls.boundsx and cls.boundsy: stream_data = dict(bounds=None) elif cls.boundsx: stream_data = dict(boundsx=None) elif cls.boundsy: stream_data = dict(boundsy=None) else: stream_data = dict() event_data[trace_uid] = stream_data return event_data class BoundsXYCallback(BoundsCallback): boundsx = True boundsy = True class BoundsXCallback(BoundsCallback): boundsx = True class BoundsYCallback(BoundsCallback): boundsy = True class RangeCallback(PlotlyCallback): callback_property = "viewport" x_range = False y_range = False @classmethod def get_event_data_from_property_update(cls, viewport, fig_dict): traces = fig_dict.get('data', []) # Process traces event_data = {} for trace_ind, trace in enumerate(traces): trace_type = trace.get('type', 'scatter') trace_uid = trace.get('uid', None) if _trace_to_subplot.get(trace_type, None) != ['xaxis', 'yaxis']: continue xaxis = trace.get('xaxis', 'x').replace('x', 'xaxis') yaxis = trace.get('yaxis', 'y').replace('y', 'yaxis') xprop = '{xaxis}.range'.format(xaxis=xaxis) yprop = '{yaxis}.range'.format(yaxis=yaxis) if not viewport: x_range = None y_range = None elif xprop in viewport and yprop in viewport: x_range = tuple(viewport[xprop]) y_range = tuple(viewport[yprop]) elif xprop + "[0]" in viewport and xprop + "[1]" in viewport and \ yprop + "[0]" in viewport and yprop + "[1]" in viewport : x_range = (viewport[xprop + "[0]"], viewport[xprop + "[1]"]) y_range = (viewport[yprop + "[0]"], viewport[yprop + "[1]"]) else: x_range = None y_range = None stream_data = {} if cls.x_range: stream_data['x_range'] = x_range if cls.y_range: stream_data['y_range'] = y_range event_data[trace_uid] = stream_data return event_data class RangeXYCallback(RangeCallback): x_range = True y_range = True class RangeXCallback(RangeCallback): x_range = True class RangeYCallback(RangeCallback): y_range = True callbacks = Stream._callbacks['plotly'] callbacks[Selection1D] = Selection1DCallback callbacks[SelectionXY] = BoundsXYCallback callbacks[BoundsXY] = BoundsXYCallback callbacks[BoundsX] = BoundsXCallback callbacks[BoundsY] = BoundsYCallback callbacks[RangeXY] = RangeXYCallback callbacks[RangeX] = RangeXCallback callbacks[RangeY] = RangeYCallback