from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
import numpy as np
import param
from bokeh.models import DatetimeAxis, CustomJSHover
from ...core.util import cartesian_product, dimension_sanitizer, isfinite
from ...element import Raster
from .element import ElementPlot, ColorbarPlot
from .selection import BokehOverlaySelectionDisplay
from .styles import base_properties, fill_properties, line_properties, mpl_to_bokeh
from .util import colormesh
[docs]class RasterPlot(ColorbarPlot):
clipping_colors = param.Dict(default={'NaN': 'transparent'})
padding = param.ClassSelector(default=0, class_=(int, float, tuple))
show_legend = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether to show legend for the plot.""")
style_opts = base_properties + ['cmap', 'alpha']
_nonvectorized_styles = style_opts
_plot_methods = dict(single='image')
selection_display = BokehOverlaySelectionDisplay()
def _hover_opts(self, element):
xdim, ydim = element.kdims
tooltips = [(xdim.pprint_label, '$x'), (ydim.pprint_label, '$y')]
vdims = element.vdims
tooltips.append((vdims[0].pprint_label, '@image'))
for vdim in vdims[1:]:
vname = dimension_sanitizer(
tooltips.append((vdim.pprint_label, '@{0}'.format(vname)))
return tooltips, {}
def _postprocess_hover(self, renderer, source):
super(RasterPlot, self)._postprocess_hover(renderer, source)
hover = self.handles.get('hover')
if not (hover and isinstance(hover.tooltips, list)):
element = self.current_frame
xdim, ydim = [dimension_sanitizer( for kd in element.kdims]
xaxis = self.handles['xaxis']
yaxis = self.handles['yaxis']
code = """
var {ax} = special_vars.{ax};
var date = new Date({ax});
return date.toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' ')
tooltips, formatters = [], dict(hover.formatters)
for (name, formatter) in hover.tooltips:
if isinstance(xaxis, DatetimeAxis) and formatter == '$x':
xhover = CustomJSHover(code=code.format(ax='x'))
formatters['$x'] = xhover
formatter += '{custom}'
if isinstance(yaxis, DatetimeAxis) and formatter == '$y':
yhover = CustomJSHover(code=code.format(ax='y'))
formatters['$y'] = yhover
formatter += '{custom}'
tooltips.append((name, formatter))
hover.tooltips = tooltips
hover.formatters = formatters
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(RasterPlot, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.hmap.type == Raster:
self.invert_yaxis = not self.invert_yaxis
[docs] def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
mapping = dict(image='image', x='x', y='y', dw='dw', dh='dh')
val_dim = element.vdims[0]
style['color_mapper'] = self._get_colormapper(val_dim, element, ranges, style)
if 'alpha' in style:
style['global_alpha'] = style['alpha']
if self.static_source:
return {}, mapping, style
if type(element) is Raster:
l, b, r, t = element.extents
if self.invert_axes:
l, b, r, t = b, l, t, r
l, b, r, t = element.bounds.lbrt()
if self.invert_axes:
l, b, r, t = b, l, t, r
dh, dw = t-b, r-l
if self.invert_xaxis:
l, r = r, l
if self.invert_yaxis:
b, t = t, b
data = dict(x=[l], y=[b], dw=[dw], dh=[dh])
for i, vdim in enumerate(element.vdims, 2):
if i > 2 and 'hover' not in self.handles:
img = element.dimension_values(i, flat=False)
if img.dtype.kind == 'b':
img = img.astype(np.int8)
if 0 in img.shape:
img = np.array([[np.NaN]])
if ((self.invert_axes and not type(element) is Raster) or
(not self.invert_axes and type(element) is Raster)):
img = img.T
if self.invert_xaxis:
img = img[:, ::-1]
if self.invert_yaxis:
img = img[::-1]
key = 'image' if i == 2 else dimension_sanitizer(
data[key] = [img]
return (data, mapping, style)
[docs]class RGBPlot(ElementPlot):
padding = param.ClassSelector(default=0, class_=(int, float, tuple))
style_opts = ['alpha'] + base_properties
_nonvectorized_styles = style_opts
_plot_methods = dict(single='image_rgba')
selection_display = BokehOverlaySelectionDisplay()
def _hover_opts(self, element):
xdim, ydim = element.kdims
return [(xdim.pprint_label, '$x'), (ydim.pprint_label, '$y'),
('RGBA', '@image')], {}
[docs] def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
mapping = dict(image='image', x='x', y='y', dw='dw', dh='dh')
if 'alpha' in style:
style['global_alpha'] = style['alpha']
if self.static_source:
return {}, mapping, style
img = np.dstack([element.dimension_values(d, flat=False)
for d in element.vdims])
if img.ndim == 3:
if img.dtype.kind == 'f':
img = img*255
if img.size and (img.min() < 0 or img.max() > 255):
self.param.warning('Clipping input data to the valid '
'range for RGB data ([0..1] for '
'floats or [0..255] for integers).')
img = np.clip(img, 0, 255)
if != 'uint8':
img = img.astype(np.uint8)
if img.shape[2] == 3: # alpha channel not included
alpha = np.full(img.shape[:2], 255, dtype='uint8')
img = np.dstack([img, alpha])
N, M, _ = img.shape
#convert image NxM dtype=uint32
if not img.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
img = img.copy()
img = img.view(dtype=np.uint32).reshape((N, M))
# Ensure axis inversions are handled correctly
l, b, r, t = element.bounds.lbrt()
if self.invert_axes:
img = img.T
l, b, r, t = b, l, t, r
dh, dw = t-b, r-l
if self.invert_xaxis:
l, r = r, l
img = img[:, ::-1]
if self.invert_yaxis:
img = img[::-1]
b, t = t, b
if 0 in img.shape:
img = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype=np.uint32)
data = dict(image=[img], x=[l], y=[b], dw=[dw], dh=[dh])
return (data, mapping, style)
[docs]class HSVPlot(RGBPlot):
[docs] def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
return super(HSVPlot, self).get_data(element.rgb, ranges, style)
[docs]class QuadMeshPlot(ColorbarPlot):
clipping_colors = param.Dict(default={'NaN': 'transparent'})
padding = param.ClassSelector(default=0, class_=(int, float, tuple))
show_legend = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether to show legend for the plot.""")
selection_display = BokehOverlaySelectionDisplay()
style_opts = ['cmap'] + base_properties + line_properties + fill_properties
_nonvectorized_styles = style_opts
_plot_methods = dict(single='quad')
[docs] def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
x, y, z = element.dimensions()[:3]
if self.invert_axes: x, y = y, x
cmapper = self._get_colormapper(z, element, ranges, style)
cmapper = {'field':, 'transform': cmapper}
irregular = (element.interface.irregular(element, x) or
element.interface.irregular(element, y))
if irregular:
mapping = dict(xs='xs', ys='ys', fill_color=cmapper)
mapping = {'left': 'left', 'right': 'right',
'fill_color': cmapper,
'top': 'top', 'bottom': 'bottom'}
if self.static_source:
return {}, mapping, style
x, y = dimension_sanitizer(, dimension_sanitizer(
zdata = element.dimension_values(z, flat=False)
if irregular:
dims = element.kdims
if self.invert_axes: dims = dims[::-1]
X, Y = [element.interface.coords(element, d, expanded=True, edges=True)
for d in dims]
X, Y = colormesh(X, Y)
zvals = zdata.T.flatten() if self.invert_axes else zdata.flatten()
XS, YS = [], []
mask = []
xc, yc = [], []
for xs, ys, zval in zip(X, Y, zvals):
xs, ys = xs[:-1], ys[:-1]
if isfinite(zval) and all(isfinite(xs)) and all(isfinite(ys)):
if 'hover' in self.handles:
data = {'xs': XS, 'ys': YS, zvals[np.array(mask)]}
if 'hover' in self.handles:
data[x] = np.array(xc)
data[y] = np.array(yc)
xc, yc = (element.interface.coords(element, x, edges=True, ordered=True),
element.interface.coords(element, y, edges=True, ordered=True))
x0, y0 = cartesian_product([xc[:-1], yc[:-1]], copy=True)
x1, y1 = cartesian_product([xc[1:], yc[1:]], copy=True)
zvals = zdata.flatten() if self.invert_axes else zdata.T.flatten()
data = {'left': x0, 'right': x1, dimension_sanitizer( zvals,
'bottom': y0, 'top': y1}
if 'hover' in self.handles and not self.static_source:
hover_dims = element.dimensions()[3:]
hover_data = [element.dimension_values(hover_dim, flat=False)
for hover_dim in hover_dims]
for hdim, hdat in zip(hover_dims, hover_data):
data[dimension_sanitizer(] = (hdat.flatten()
if self.invert_axes else hdat.T.flatten())
data[x] = element.dimension_values(x)
data[y] = element.dimension_values(y)
return data, mapping, style
def _init_glyph(self, plot, mapping, properties):
Returns a Bokeh glyph object.
properties = mpl_to_bokeh(properties)
properties = dict(properties, **mapping)
if 'xs' in mapping:
renderer = plot.patches(**properties)
renderer = plot.quad(**properties)
if self.colorbar and 'color_mapper' in self.handles:
self._draw_colorbar(plot, self.handles['color_mapper'])
return renderer, renderer.glyph