Measles example

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This notebook reproduces a visualization by the Wall Street Journal about the incidence of measles over time, which the brilliant Brian Granger adapted into an example for the Altair library.

Most examples work across multiple plotting backends, this example is also available for:

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import holoviews as hv
from holoviews import opts
import pandas as pd

Declaring data

In [2]:
url = ''
data = pd.read_csv(url, skiprows=2, na_values='-')

yearly_data = data.drop('WEEK', axis=1).groupby('YEAR').sum().reset_index()
measles = pd.melt(yearly_data, id_vars=['YEAR'], var_name='State', value_name='Incidence')

heatmap = hv.HeatMap(measles, label='Measles Incidence')
aggregate = hv.Dataset(heatmap).aggregate('YEAR', np.mean, np.std)

vline = hv.VLine(1963)
marker = hv.Text(1964, 800, 'Vaccine introduction', halign='left')

agg = hv.ErrorBars(aggregate) * hv.Curve(aggregate)


In [3]:
overlay = (heatmap + agg * vline * marker).cols(1)
    opts.HeatMap(width=900, height=500, tools=['hover'], logz=True, 
                 invert_yaxis=True, labelled=[], toolbar='above',
                 xaxis=None, colorbar=True, clim=(1, np.nan)),
    opts.Overlay(width=900, height=200, show_title=False, xrotation=90))

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