import os, sys, inspect, shutil
from collections import defaultdict
from types import FunctionType
from pathlib import Path
Path = None
import param
from pyviz_comms import extension as _pyviz_extension
from ..core import (
Dataset, DynamicMap, HoloMap, Dimensioned, ViewableElement,
StoreOptions, Store
from ..core.options import options_policy, Keywords, Options
from ..core.operation import Operation
from ..core.overlay import Overlay
from ..core.util import basestring, merge_options_to_dict, OrderedDict
from ..core.operation import OperationCallable
from ..core import util
from ..operation.element import function
from ..streams import Stream, Params
from .settings import OutputSettings, list_formats, list_backends
Store.output_settings = OutputSettings
[docs]def examples(path='holoviews-examples', verbose=False, force=False, root=__file__):
Copies the notebooks to the supplied path.
filepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(root))
example_dir = os.path.join(filepath, './examples')
if not os.path.exists(example_dir):
example_dir = os.path.join(filepath, '../examples')
if os.path.exists(path):
if not force:
print('%s directory already exists, either delete it or set the force flag' % path)
ignore = shutil.ignore_patterns('.ipynb_checkpoints','*.pyc','*~')
tree_root = os.path.abspath(example_dir)
if os.path.isdir(tree_root):
shutil.copytree(tree_root, path, ignore=ignore, symlinks=True)
print('Cannot find %s' % tree_root)
[docs]class opts(param.ParameterizedFunction):
Utility function to set options at the global level or to provide an
Options object that can be used with the .options method of an
element or container.
Option objects can be generated and validated in a tab-completable
way (in appropriate environments such as Jupyter notebooks) using
completers such as opts.Curve, opts.Image, opts.Overlay, etc.
To set opts globally you can pass these option objects into opts.defaults:
For instance:
To set opts on a specific object, you can supply these option
objects to the .options method.
For instance:
curve = hv.Curve([1,2,3])
The options method also accepts lists of Option objects.
__original_docstring__ = None
# Keywords not to be tab-completed (helps with deprecation)
_no_completion = ['title_format', 'color_index', 'size_index', 'finalize_hooks',
'scaling_factor', 'scaling_method', 'size_fn', 'normalize_lengths',
'group_index', 'category_index', 'stack_index', 'color_by']
strict = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether to be strict about the options specification. If not set
to strict (default), any invalid keywords are simply skipped. If
strict, invalid keywords prevent the options being applied.""")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Needed for opts specific __signature__
super(opts, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __call__(self, *args, **params):
if not params and not args:
return Options()
elif params and not args:
return Options(**params)
if len(args) == 1:
msg = ("Positional argument signature of opts is deprecated, "
"use opts.defaults instead.\nFor instance, instead of "
"opts('Points (size=5)') use opts.defaults(opts.Points(size=5))")
elif len(args) == 2:
msg = ("Double positional argument signature of opts is deprecated, "
"use the .options method instead.\nFor instance, instead of "
"opts('Points (size=5)', points) use points.opts(opts.Points(size=5))")
self._cellmagic(args[0], args[1])
def _group_kwargs_to_options(cls, obj, kwargs):
"Format option group kwargs into canonical options format"
groups = Options._option_groups
if set(kwargs.keys()) - set(groups):
raise Exception("Keyword options %s must be one of %s" % (groups,
','.join(repr(g) for g in groups)))
elif not all(isinstance(v, dict) for v in kwargs.values()):
raise Exception("The %s options must be specified using dictionary groups" %
','.join(repr(k) for k in kwargs.keys()))
# Check whether the user is specifying targets (such as 'Image.Foo')
targets = [grp and all(k[0].isupper() for k in grp) for grp in kwargs.values()]
if any(targets) and not all(targets):
raise Exception("Cannot mix target specification keys such as 'Image' with non-target keywords.")
elif not any(targets):
# Not targets specified - add current object as target
sanitized_group = util.group_sanitizer(
if obj.label:
identifier = ('%s.%s.%s' % (
obj.__class__.__name__, sanitized_group,
elif sanitized_group != obj.__class__.__name__:
identifier = '%s.%s' % (obj.__class__.__name__, sanitized_group)
identifier = obj.__class__.__name__
options = {identifier:{grp:kws for (grp,kws) in kwargs.items()}}
dfltdict = defaultdict(dict)
for grp, entries in kwargs.items():
for identifier, kws in entries.items():
dfltdict[identifier][grp] = kws
options = dict(dfltdict)
return options
def _apply_groups_to_backend(cls, obj, options, backend, clone):
"Apply the groups to a single specified backend"
obj_handle = obj
if options is None:
if clone:
obj_handle = x: x.clone(id=None))
else: x: setattr(x, 'id', None))
elif clone:
obj_handle = x: x.clone(
return StoreOptions.set_options(obj_handle, options, backend=backend)
def _grouped_backends(cls, options, backend):
"Group options by backend and filter out output group appropriately"
if options is None:
return [(backend or Store.current_backend, options)]
dfltdict = defaultdict(dict)
for spec, groups in options.items():
if 'output' not in groups.keys() or len(groups['output'])==0:
dfltdict[backend or Store.current_backend][spec.strip()] = groups
elif set(groups['output'].keys()) - set(['backend']):
dfltdict[groups['output']['backend']][spec.strip()] = groups
elif ['backend'] == list(groups['output'].keys()):
filtered = {k:v for k,v in groups.items() if k != 'output'}
dfltdict[groups['output']['backend']][spec.strip()] = filtered
raise Exception('The output options group must have the backend keyword')
return [(bk, bk_opts) for (bk, bk_opts) in dfltdict.items()]
[docs] @classmethod
def apply_groups(cls, obj, options=None, backend=None, clone=True, **kwargs):
"""Applies nested options definition grouped by type.
Applies options on an object or nested group of objects,
returning a new object with the options applied. This method
accepts the separate option namespaces explicitly (i.e 'plot',
'style' and 'norm').
If the options are to be set directly on the object a
simple format may be used, e.g.:
opts.apply_groups(obj, style={'cmap': 'viridis'},
plot={'show_title': False})
If the object is nested the options must be qualified using
a type[.group][.label] specification, e.g.:
opts.apply_groups(obj, {'Image': {'plot': {'show_title': False},
'style': {'cmap': 'viridis}}})
If no opts are supplied all options on the object will be reset.
options (dict): Options specification
Options specification should be indexed by
type[.group][.label] or option type ('plot', 'style',
backend (optional): Backend to apply options to
Defaults to current selected backend
clone (bool, optional): Whether to clone object
Options can be applied inplace with clone=False
**kwargs: Keywords of options by type
Applies options directly to the object by type
(e.g. 'plot', 'style', 'norm') specified as
Returns the object or a clone with the options applied
if isinstance(options, basestring):
from ..util.parser import OptsSpec
options = OptsSpec.parse(options)
except SyntaxError:
options = OptsSpec.parse(
'{clsname} {options}'.format(clsname=obj.__class__.__name__,
if kwargs:
options = cls._group_kwargs_to_options(obj, kwargs)
for backend, backend_opts in cls._grouped_backends(options, backend):
obj = cls._apply_groups_to_backend(obj, backend_opts, backend, clone)
return obj
def _process_magic(cls, options, strict, backends=None):
if isinstance(options, basestring):
from .parser import OptsSpec
try: ns = get_ipython().user_ns # noqa
except: ns = globals()
options = OptsSpec.parse(options, ns=ns)
errmsg = StoreOptions.validation_error_message(options, backends=backends)
if errmsg:
if strict:
sys.stderr.write('Options specification will not be applied.')
return options, True
return options, False
def _cellmagic(cls, options, obj, strict=False):
"Deprecated, not expected to be used by any current code"
options, failure = cls._process_magic(options, strict)
if failure: return obj
if not isinstance(obj, Dimensioned):
return obj
return StoreOptions.set_options(obj, options)
def _linemagic(cls, options, strict=False, backend=None):
"Deprecated, not expected to be used by any current code"
backends = None if backend is None else [backend]
options, failure = cls._process_magic(options, strict, backends=backends)
if failure: return
with options_policy(skip_invalid=True, warn_on_skip=False):
StoreOptions.apply_customizations(options, Store.options(backend=backend))
[docs] @classmethod
def defaults(cls, *options, **kwargs):
"""Set default options for a session.
Set default options for a session. whether in a Python script or
a Jupyter notebook.
*options: Option objects used to specify the defaults.
backend: The plotting extension the options apply to
if kwargs and len(kwargs) != 1 and list(kwargs.keys())[0] != 'backend':
raise Exception('opts.defaults only accepts "backend" keyword argument')
cls._linemagic(cls._expand_options(merge_options_to_dict(options)), backend=kwargs.get('backend'))
def _expand_by_backend(cls, options, backend):
Given a list of flat Option objects which may or may not have
'backend' in their kwargs, return a list of grouped backend
groups = defaultdict(list)
used_fallback = False
for obj in options:
if 'backend' in obj.kwargs:
opts_backend = obj.kwargs['backend']
elif backend is None:
opts_backend = Store.current_backend
obj.kwargs['backend']= opts_backend
opts_backend = backend
obj.kwargs['backend'] = opts_backend
used_fallback = True
if backend and not used_fallback:
cls.param.warning("All supplied Options objects already define a backend, "
"backend override %r will be ignored." % backend)
return [(bk, cls._expand_options(o, bk)) for (bk, o) in groups.items()]
def _expand_options(cls, options, backend=None):
Validates and expands a dictionaries of options indexed by
type[.group][.label] keys into separate style, plot, norm and
output options.
opts._expand_options({'Image': dict(cmap='viridis', show_title=False)})
{'Image': {'plot': dict(show_title=False), 'style': dict(cmap='viridis')}}
current_backend = Store.current_backend
if not Store.renderers:
raise ValueError("No plotting extension is currently loaded. "
"Ensure you load an plotting extension with "
"hv.extension or import it explicitly from "
"holoviews.plotting before applying any "
elif current_backend not in Store.renderers:
raise ValueError("Currently selected plotting extension {ext} "
"has not been loaded, ensure you load it "
"with hv.extension({ext}) before setting "
backend_options = Store.options(backend=backend or current_backend)
except KeyError as e:
raise Exception('The %s backend is not loaded. Please load the backend using hv.extension.' % str(e))
expanded = {}
if isinstance(options, list):
options = merge_options_to_dict(options)
for objspec, options in options.items():
objtype = objspec.split('.')[0]
if objtype not in backend_options:
raise ValueError('%s type not found, could not apply options.'
% objtype)
obj_options = backend_options[objtype]
expanded[objspec] = {g: {} for g in obj_options.groups}
for opt, value in options.items():
found = False
valid_options = []
for g, group_opts in sorted(obj_options.groups.items()):
if opt in group_opts.allowed_keywords:
expanded[objspec][g][opt] = value
found = True
valid_options += group_opts.allowed_keywords
if found: continue
cls._options_error(opt, objtype, backend, valid_options)
return expanded
def _options_error(cls, opt, objtype, backend, valid_options):
Generates an error message for an invalid option suggesting
similar options through fuzzy matching.
current_backend = Store.current_backend
loaded_backends = Store.loaded_backends()
kws = Keywords(values=valid_options)
matches = sorted(kws.fuzzy_match(opt))
if backend is not None:
if matches:
raise ValueError('Unexpected option %r for %s type '
'when using the %r extension. Similar '
'options are: %s.' %
(opt, objtype, backend, matches))
raise ValueError('Unexpected option %r for %s type '
'when using the %r extension. No '
'similar options founds.' %
(opt, objtype, backend))
# Check option is invalid for all backends
found = []
for lb in [b for b in loaded_backends if b != backend]:
lb_options = Store.options(backend=lb).get(objtype)
if lb_options is None:
for g, group_opts in lb_options.groups.items():
if opt in group_opts.allowed_keywords:
if found:
'Option %r for %s type not valid for selected '
'backend (%r). Option only applies to following '
'backends: %r' % (opt, objtype, current_backend, found))
if matches:
raise ValueError('Unexpected option %r for %s type '
'across all extensions. Similar options '
'for current extension (%r) are: %s.' %
(opt, objtype, current_backend, matches))
raise ValueError('Unexpected option %r for %s type '
'across all extensions. No similar options '
'found.' % (opt, objtype))
def _builder_reprs(cls, options, namespace=None, ns=None):
Given a list of Option objects (such as those returned from
OptsSpec.parse_options) or an %opts or %%opts magic string,
return a list of corresponding option builder reprs. The
namespace is typically given as 'hv' if fully qualified
namespaces are desired.
if isinstance(options, basestring):
from .parser import OptsSpec
if ns is None:
try: ns = get_ipython().user_ns # noqa
except: ns = globals()
options = options.replace('%%opts','').replace('%opts','')
options = OptsSpec.parse_options(options, ns=ns)
reprs = []
ns = '{namespace}.'.format(namespace=namespace) if namespace else ''
for option in options:
kws = ', '.join('%s=%r' % (k,option.kwargs[k]) for k in sorted(option.kwargs))
if '.' in option.key:
element = option.key.split('.')[0]
spec = repr('.'.join(option.key.split('.')[1:])) + ', '
element = option.key
spec = ''
opts_format = '{ns}opts.{element}({spec}{kws})'
reprs.append(opts_format.format(ns=ns, spec=spec, kws=kws, element=element))
return reprs
def _create_builder(cls, element, completions):
def builder(cls, spec=None, **kws):
spec = element if spec is None else '%s.%s' % (element, spec)
prefix = 'In opts.{element}(...), '.format(element=element)
backend = kws.get('backend', None)
keys = set(kws.keys())
if backend:
allowed_kws = cls._element_keywords(backend,
invalid = keys - set(allowed_kws)
mismatched = {}
all_valid_kws = set()
for loaded_backend in Store.loaded_backends():
valid = set(cls._element_keywords(loaded_backend).get(element, []))
all_valid_kws |= set(valid)
if keys <= valid: # Found a backend for which all keys are valid
return Options(spec, **kws)
mismatched[loaded_backend] = list(keys - valid)
invalid = keys - all_valid_kws # Keys not found for any backend
if mismatched and not invalid: # Keys found across multiple backends
msg = ('{prefix} keywords supplied are mixed across backends. '
'Keyword(s) {info}')
info = ', '.join('%s are invalid for %s'
% (', '.join(repr(el) for el in v), k)
for k,v in mismatched.items())
raise ValueError(msg.format(info=info, prefix=prefix))
allowed_kws = completions
reraise = False
if invalid:
cls._options_error(list(invalid)[0], element, backend, allowed_kws)
except ValueError as e:
msg = str(e)[0].lower() + str(e)[1:]
reraise = True
if reraise:
raise ValueError(prefix + msg)
return Options(spec, **kws)
filtered_keywords = [k for k in completions if k not in cls._no_completion]
sorted_kw_set = sorted(set(filtered_keywords))
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
kws = ', '.join('{opt}=None'.format(opt=opt) for opt in sorted_kw_set)
builder.__doc__ = '{element}({kws})'.format(element=element, kws=kws)
from inspect import Parameter, Signature
signature = Signature([Parameter('spec', Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)]
+ [Parameter(kw, Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY)
for kw in sorted_kw_set])
builder.__signature__ = signature
return classmethod(builder)
def _element_keywords(cls, backend, elements=None):
"Returns a dictionary of element names to allowed keywords"
if backend not in Store.loaded_backends():
return {}
mapping = {}
backend_options = Store.options(backend)
elements = elements if elements is not None else backend_options.keys()
for element in elements:
if '.' in element: continue
element = element if isinstance(element, tuple) else (element,)
element_keywords = []
options = backend_options['.'.join(element)]
for group in Options._option_groups:
mapping[element[0]] = element_keywords
return mapping
def _update_backend(cls, backend):
if cls.__original_docstring__ is None:
cls.__original_docstring__ = cls.__doc__
all_keywords = set()
element_keywords = cls._element_keywords(backend)
for element, keywords in element_keywords.items():
with param.logging_level('CRITICAL'):
all_keywords |= set(keywords)
setattr(cls, element,
cls._create_builder(element, keywords))
filtered_keywords = [k for k in all_keywords if k not in cls._no_completion]
sorted_kw_set = sorted(set(filtered_keywords))
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
kws = ', '.join('{opt}=None'.format(opt=opt) for opt in sorted_kw_set)
old_doc = cls.__original_docstring__.replace(
'params(strict=Boolean, name=String)','')
cls.__doc__ = '\n opts({kws})'.format(kws=kws) + old_doc
from inspect import Parameter, Signature
signature = Signature([Parameter('args', Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL)]
+ [Parameter(kw, Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY)
for kw in sorted_kw_set])
cls.__init__.__signature__ = signature
[docs]class output(param.ParameterizedFunction):
Utility function to set output either at the global level or on a
specific object.
To set output globally use:
Where options may be an options specification string (as accepted by
the IPython opts magic) or an options specifications dictionary.
For instance:
output("backend='bokeh'") # Or equivalently
To set save output from a specific object do disk using the
'filename' argument, you can supply the object as the first
positional argument and supply the filename keyword:
curve = hv.Curve([1,2,3])
output(curve, filename='curve.png')
For compatibility with the output magic, you can supply the object
as the second argument after the string specification:
curve = hv.Curve([1,2,3])
output("filename='curve.png'", curve)
These two modes are equivalent to the IPython output line magic and
the cell magic respectively.
def info(cls):
deprecate = ['filename', 'info', 'mode']
options = Store.output_settings.options
defaults = Store.output_settings.defaults
keys = [k for k,v in options.items() if k not in deprecate and v != defaults[k]]
pairs = {k:options[k] for k in sorted(keys)}
if 'backend' not in keys:
pairs['backend'] = Store.current_backend
if ':' in pairs['backend']:
pairs['backend'] = pairs['backend'].split(':')[0]
keywords = ', '.join('%s=%r' % (k,pairs[k]) for k in sorted(pairs.keys()))
def __call__(self, *args, **options):
help_prompt = 'For help with hv.util.output call help(hv.util.output)'
line, obj = None,None
if len(args) > 2:
raise TypeError('The opts utility accepts one or two positional arguments.')
if len(args) == 1 and not isinstance(args[0], basestring):
obj = args[0]
elif len(args) == 1:
line = args[0]
elif len(args) == 2:
(line, obj) = args
if isinstance(obj, Dimensioned):
if line:
options = Store.output_settings.extract_keywords(line, {})
for k in options.keys():
if k not in Store.output_settings.allowed:
raise KeyError('Invalid keyword: %s' % k)
if 'filename' in options:
self.param.warning('The filename argument of output is deprecated. '
'Use instead.')
def display_fn(obj, renderer):
from IPython.display import display
Store.output_settings.output(line=line, cell=obj, cell_runner=display_fn,
help_prompt=help_prompt, **options)
elif obj is not None:
return obj
Store.output_settings.output(line=line, help_prompt=help_prompt, **options)
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
output.__doc__ = Store.output_settings._generate_docstring(signature=True)
output.__doc__ = Store.output_settings._generate_docstring(signature=False)
output.__init__.__signature__ = Store.output_settings._generate_signature()
[docs]def renderer(name):
Helper utility to access the active renderer for a given extension.
if name not in Store.renderers:
prev_backend = Store.current_backend
if Store.current_backend not in Store.renderers:
prev_backend = None
if prev_backend:
return Store.renderers[name]
except ImportError:
msg = ('Could not find a {name!r} renderer, available renderers are: {available}.')
available = ', '.join(repr(k) for k in Store.renderers)
raise ImportError(msg.format(name=name, available=available))
[docs]class extension(_pyviz_extension):
Helper utility used to load holoviews extensions. These can be
plotting extensions, element extensions or anything else that can be
registered to work with HoloViews.
# Mapping between backend name and module name
_backends = {'matplotlib': 'mpl',
'bokeh': 'bokeh',
'plotly': 'plotly'}
# Hooks run when a backend is loaded
_backend_hooks = defaultdict(list)
def __call__(self, *args, **params):
# Get requested backends
config = params.pop('config', {})
imports = [(arg, self._backends[arg]) for arg in args
if arg in self._backends]
for p, val in sorted(params.items()):
if p in self._backends:
imports.append((p, self._backends[p]))
if not imports:
args = ['matplotlib']
imports = [('matplotlib', 'mpl')]
args = list(args)
selected_backend = None
for backend, imp in imports:
self.param.warning("%s could not be imported, ensure %s is installed."
% (backend, backend))
__import__('holoviews.plotting.%s' % imp)
if selected_backend is None:
selected_backend = backend
except util.VersionError as e:
"HoloViews %s extension could not be loaded. "
"The installed %s version %s is less than "
"the required version %s." %
(backend, backend, e.version, e.min_version))
except Exception as e:
"Holoviews %s extension could not be imported, "
"it raised the following exception: %s('%s')" %
(backend, type(e).__name__, e))
Store.output_settings.allowed['backend'] = list_backends()
Store.output_settings.allowed['fig'] = list_formats('fig', backend)
Store.output_settings.allowed['holomap'] = list_formats('holomap', backend)
for hook in self._backend_hooks[backend]:
except Exception as e:
self.param.warning('%s backend hook %s failed with '
'following exception: %s' %
(backend, hook, e))
if selected_backend is None:
raise ImportError('None of the backends could be imported')
[docs] @classmethod
def register_backend_callback(cls, backend, callback):
"""Registers a hook which is run when a backend is loaded"""
[docs]def save(obj, filename, fmt='auto', backend=None, resources='cdn', toolbar=None, title=None, **kwargs):
Saves the supplied object to file.
The available output formats depend on the backend being used. By
default and if the filename is a string the output format will be
inferred from the file extension. Otherwise an explicit format
will need to be specified. For ambiguous file extensions such as
html it may be necessary to specify an explicit fmt to override
the default, e.g. in the case of 'html' output the widgets will
default to fmt='widgets', which may be changed to scrubber widgets
using fmt='scrubber'.
obj: HoloViews object
The HoloViews object to save to file
filename: string or IO object
The filename or BytesIO/StringIO object to save to
fmt: string
The format to save the object as, e.g. png, svg, html, or gif
and if widgets are desired either 'widgets' or 'scrubber'
backend: string
A valid HoloViews rendering backend, e.g. bokeh or matplotlib
resources: string or bokeh.resource.Resources
Bokeh resources used to load bokehJS components. Defaults to
CDN, to embed resources inline for offline usage use 'inline'
or bokeh.resources.INLINE.
toolbar: bool or None
Whether to include toolbars in the exported plot. If None,
display the toolbar unless fmt is `png` and backend is `bokeh`.
If `True`, always include the toolbar. If `False`, do not include the
title: string
Custom title for exported HTML file
**kwargs: dict
Additional keyword arguments passed to the renderer,
e.g. fps for animations
backend = backend or Store.current_backend
renderer_obj = renderer(backend)
if (
not toolbar
and backend == "bokeh"
and (fmt == "png" or (isinstance(filename, str) and filename.endswith("png")))
obj = obj.opts(toolbar=None, backend="bokeh", clone=True)
elif toolbar is not None and not toolbar:
obj = obj.opts(toolbar=None)
if kwargs:
renderer_obj = renderer_obj.instance(**kwargs)
if Path is not None and isinstance(filename, Path):
filename = str(filename.absolute())
if isinstance(filename, basestring):
supported = [mfmt for tformats in renderer_obj.mode_formats.values()
for mfmt in tformats]
formats = filename.split('.')
if fmt == 'auto' and formats and formats[-1] != 'html':
fmt = formats[-1]
if formats[-1] in supported:
filename = '.'.join(formats[:-1])
return, filename, fmt=fmt, resources=resources,
[docs]def render(obj, backend=None, **kwargs):
Renders the HoloViews object to the corresponding object in the
specified backend, e.g. a Matplotlib or Bokeh figure.
The backend defaults to the currently declared default
backend. The resulting object can then be used with other objects
in the specified backend. For instance, if you want to make a
multi-part Bokeh figure using a plot type only available in
HoloViews, you can use this function to return a Bokeh figure that
you can use like any hand-constructed Bokeh figure in a Bokeh
obj: HoloViews object
The HoloViews object to render
backend: string
A valid HoloViews rendering backend
**kwargs: dict
Additional keyword arguments passed to the renderer,
e.g. fps for animations
The rendered representation of the HoloViews object, e.g.
if backend='matplotlib' a matplotlib Figure or FuncAnimation
backend = backend or Store.current_backend
renderer_obj = renderer(backend)
if kwargs:
renderer_obj = renderer_obj.instance(**kwargs)
plot = renderer_obj.get_plot(obj)
if backend == 'matplotlib' and len(plot) > 1:
return plot.anim(fps=renderer_obj.fps)
return renderer_obj.get_plot_state(obj)
[docs]class Dynamic(param.ParameterizedFunction):
Dynamically applies a callable to the Elements in any HoloViews
object. Will return a DynamicMap wrapping the original map object,
which will lazily evaluate when a key is requested. By default
Dynamic applies a no-op, making it useful for converting HoloMaps
to a DynamicMap.
Any supplied kwargs will be passed to the callable and any streams
will be instantiated on the returned DynamicMap. If the supplied
operation is a method on a parameterized object which was
decorated with parameter dependencies Dynamic will automatically
create a stream to watch the parameter changes. This default
behavior may be disabled by setting watch=False.
operation = param.Callable(default=lambda x: x, doc="""
Operation or user-defined callable to apply dynamically""")
kwargs = param.Dict(default={}, doc="""
Keyword arguments passed to the function.""")
link_inputs = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
If Dynamic is applied to another DynamicMap, determines whether
linked streams attached to its Callable inputs are
transferred to the output of the utility.
For example if the Dynamic utility is applied to a DynamicMap
with an RangeXY, this switch determines whether the
corresponding visualization should update this stream with
range changes originating from the newly generated axes.""")
link_dataset = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Determines whether the output of the operation should inherit
the .dataset property of the input to the operation. Helpful
for tracking data providence for user supplied functions,
which do not make use of the clone method. Should be disabled
for operations where the output is not derived from the input
and instead depends on some external state.""")
shared_data = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether the cloned DynamicMap will share the same cache.""")
streams = param.List(default=[], doc="""
List of streams to attach to the returned DynamicMap""")
def __call__(self, map_obj, **params):
watch = params.pop('watch', True)
self.p = param.ParamOverrides(self, params)
callback = self._dynamic_operation(map_obj)
streams = self._get_streams(map_obj, watch)
if isinstance(map_obj, DynamicMap):
dmap = map_obj.clone(callback=callback, shared_data=self.p.shared_data,
if self.p.shared_data: = OrderedDict([(k, callback.callable(*k))
for k, v in])
dmap = self._make_dynamic(map_obj, callback, streams)
return dmap
def _get_streams(self, map_obj, watch=True):
Generates a list of streams to attach to the returned DynamicMap.
If the input is a DynamicMap any streams that are supplying values
for the key dimension of the input are inherited. And the list
of supplied stream classes and instances are processed and
added to the list.
streams = []
op = self.p.operation
for stream in self.p.streams:
if inspect.isclass(stream) and issubclass(stream, Stream):
stream = stream()
elif not (isinstance(stream, Stream) or util.is_param_method(stream)):
raise ValueError('Streams must be Stream classes or instances, found %s type' %
if isinstance(op, Operation):
updates = {k: op.p.get(k) for k, v in stream.contents.items()
if v is None and k in op.p}
if updates:
reverse = {v: k for k, v in stream._rename.items()}
stream.update(**{reverse.get(k, k): v for k, v in updates.items()})
params = {}
for k, v in self.p.kwargs.items():
if 'panel' in sys.modules:
from panel.widgets.base import Widget
if isinstance(v, Widget):
v = v.param.value
if isinstance(v, param.Parameter) and isinstance(v.owner, param.Parameterized):
params[k] = v
streams += Params.from_params(params)
# Inherit dimensioned streams
if isinstance(map_obj, DynamicMap):
dim_streams = util.dimensioned_streams(map_obj)
streams = list(util.unique_iterator(streams + dim_streams))
# If callback is a parameterized method and watch is disabled add as stream
has_dependencies = (util.is_param_method(op, has_deps=True) or
isinstance(op, FunctionType) and hasattr(op, '_dinfo'))
if has_dependencies and watch:
# Add any keyword arguments which are parameterized methods
# with dependencies as streams
for value in self.p.kwargs.values():
if util.is_param_method(value, has_deps=True):
elif isinstance(value, FunctionType) and hasattr(value, '_dinfo'):
dependencies = list(value._dinfo.get('dependencies', []))
dependencies += list(value._dinfo.get('kw', {}).values())
params = [d for d in dependencies if isinstance(d, param.Parameter)
and isinstance(d.owner, param.Parameterized)]
streams.append(Params(parameters=params, watch_only=True))
valid, invalid = Stream._process_streams(streams)
if invalid:
msg = ('The supplied streams list contains objects that '
'are not Stream instances: {objs}')
raise TypeError(msg.format(objs = ', '.join('%r' % el for el in invalid)))
return valid
def _process(self, element, key=None, kwargs={}):
if util.is_param_method(self.p.operation) and util.get_method_owner(self.p.operation) is element:
return self.p.operation(**kwargs)
elif isinstance(self.p.operation, Operation):
kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in self.p.operation.param}
return self.p.operation.process_element(element, key, **kwargs)
return self.p.operation(element, **kwargs)
def _dynamic_operation(self, map_obj):
Generate function to dynamically apply the operation.
Wraps an existing HoloMap or DynamicMap.
def resolve(key, kwargs):
if not isinstance(map_obj, HoloMap):
return key, map_obj
elif isinstance(map_obj, DynamicMap) and map_obj._posarg_keys and not key:
key = tuple(kwargs[k] for k in map_obj._posarg_keys)
return key, map_obj[key]
def apply(element, *key, **kwargs):
kwargs = dict(util.resolve_dependent_kwargs(self.p.kwargs), **kwargs)
processed = self._process(element, key, kwargs)
if (self.p.link_dataset and isinstance(element, Dataset) and
isinstance(processed, Dataset) and processed._dataset is None):
processed._dataset = element.dataset
return processed
def dynamic_operation(*key, **kwargs):
key, obj = resolve(key, kwargs)
return apply(obj, *key, **kwargs)
operation = self.p.operation
op_kwargs = self.p.kwargs
if not isinstance(operation, Operation):
operation = function.instance(fn=apply)
op_kwargs = {'kwargs': op_kwargs}
return OperationCallable(dynamic_operation, inputs=[map_obj],
def _make_dynamic(self, hmap, dynamic_fn, streams):
Accepts a HoloMap and a dynamic callback function creating
an equivalent DynamicMap from the HoloMap.
if isinstance(hmap, ViewableElement):
dmap = DynamicMap(dynamic_fn, streams=streams)
if isinstance(hmap, Overlay):
dmap.callback.inputs[:] = list(hmap)
return dmap
dim_values = zip(*
params = util.get_param_values(hmap)
kdims = [d.clone(values=list(util.unique_iterator(values))) for d, values in
zip(hmap.kdims, dim_values)]
return DynamicMap(dynamic_fn, streams=streams, **dict(params, kdims=kdims))