Source code for holoviews.plotting.mpl.util

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals

import re
import warnings

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import units as munits
from matplotlib import ticker
from matplotlib.colors import cnames
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.markers import MarkerStyle
from matplotlib.patches import Path, PathPatch
from matplotlib.transforms import Bbox, TransformedBbox, Affine2D
from matplotlib.rcsetup import (
    validate_capstyle, validate_fontsize, validate_fonttype, validate_hatch,

    from nc_time_axis import NetCDFTimeConverter, CalendarDateTime
    nc_axis_available = True
    from matplotlib.dates import DateConverter
    NetCDFTimeConverter = DateConverter
    nc_axis_available = False

from ...core.util import (
    LooseVersion, _getargspec, arraylike_types, basestring,
    cftime_types, is_number,)
from ...element import Raster, RGB, Polygons
from ..util import COLOR_ALIASES, RGB_HEX_REGEX

mpl_version = LooseVersion(matplotlib.__version__)

[docs]def is_color(color): """ Checks if supplied object is a valid color spec. """ if not isinstance(color, basestring): return False elif RGB_HEX_REGEX.match(color): return True elif color in COLOR_ALIASES: return True elif color in cnames: return True return False
validators = { 'alpha': lambda x: is_number(x) and (0 <= x <= 1), 'capstyle': validate_capstyle, 'color': is_color, 'fontsize': validate_fontsize, 'fonttype': validate_fonttype, 'hatch': validate_hatch, 'joinstyle': validate_joinstyle, 'marker': lambda x: (x in Line2D.markers or isinstance(x, MarkerStyle) or isinstance(x, Path) or (isinstance(x, basestring) and x.startswith('$') and x.endswith('$'))), 's': lambda x: is_number(x) and (x >= 0) } def get_old_rcparams(): deprecated_rcparams = [ 'text.latex.unicode', '', 'savefig.frameon', # deprecated in MPL 3.1, to be removed in 3.3 'verbose.level', # deprecated in MPL 3.1, to be removed in 3.3 'verbose.fileo', # deprecated in MPL 3.1, to be removed in 3.3 'datapath', # deprecated in MPL 3.2.1, to be removed in 3.3 'text.latex.preview', # deprecated in MPL 3.3.1 'animation.avconv_args', # deprecated in MPL 3.3.1 'animation.avconv_path', # deprecated in MPL 3.3.1 'animation.html_args', # deprecated in MPL 3.3.1 'keymap.all_axes', # deprecated in MPL 3.3.1 'savefig.jpeg_quality' # deprecated in MPL 3.3.1 ] old_rcparams = { k: v for k, v in matplotlib.rcParams.items() if mpl_version < '3.0' or k not in deprecated_rcparams } return old_rcparams def get_validator(style): for k, v in validators.items(): if style.endswith(k) and (len(style) != 1 or style == k): return v
[docs]def validate(style, value, vectorized=True): """ Validates a style and associated value. Arguments --------- style: str The style to validate (e.g. 'color', 'size' or 'marker') value: The style value to validate vectorized: bool Whether validator should allow vectorized setting Returns ------- valid: boolean or None If validation is supported returns boolean, otherwise None """ validator = get_validator(style) if validator is None: return None if isinstance(value, arraylike_types+(list,)) and vectorized: return all(validator(v) for v in value) try: valid = validator(value) return False if valid == False else True except: return False
[docs]def filter_styles(style, group, other_groups, blacklist=[]): """ Filters styles which are specific to a particular artist, e.g. for a GraphPlot this will filter options specific to the nodes and edges. Arguments --------- style: dict Dictionary of styles and values group: str Group within the styles to filter for other_groups: list Other groups to filter out blacklist: list (optional) List of options to filter out Returns ------- filtered: dict Filtered dictionary of styles """ group = group+'_' filtered = {} for k, v in style.items(): if (any(k.startswith(p) for p in other_groups) or k.startswith(group) or k in blacklist): continue filtered[k] = v for k, v in style.items(): if not k.startswith(group) or k in blacklist: continue filtered[k[len(group):]] = v return filtered
[docs]def wrap_formatter(formatter): """ Wraps formatting function or string in appropriate matplotlib formatter type. """ if isinstance(formatter, ticker.Formatter): return formatter elif callable(formatter): args = [arg for arg in _getargspec(formatter).args if arg != 'self'] wrapped = formatter if len(args) == 1: def wrapped(val, pos=None): return formatter(val) return ticker.FuncFormatter(wrapped) elif isinstance(formatter, basestring): if re.findall(r"\{(\w+)\}", formatter): return ticker.StrMethodFormatter(formatter) else: return ticker.FormatStrFormatter(formatter)
def unpack_adjoints(ratios): new_ratios = {} offset = 0 for k, (num, ratios) in sorted(ratios.items()): unpacked = [[] for _ in range(num)] for r in ratios: nr = len(r) for i in range(num): unpacked[i].append(r[i] if i < nr else np.nan) for i, r in enumerate(unpacked): new_ratios[k+i+offset] = r offset += num-1 return new_ratios def normalize_ratios(ratios): normalized = {} for i, v in enumerate(zip(*ratios.values())): arr = np.array(v) normalized[i] = arr/float(np.nanmax(arr)) return normalized def compute_ratios(ratios, normalized=True): unpacked = unpack_adjoints(ratios) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', r'All-NaN (slice|axis) encountered') if normalized: unpacked = normalize_ratios(unpacked) sorted_ratios = sorted(unpacked.items()) return np.nanmax(np.vstack([v for _, v in sorted_ratios]), axis=0)
[docs]def axis_overlap(ax1, ax2): """ Tests whether two axes overlap vertically """ b1, t1 = ax1.get_position().intervaly b2, t2 = ax2.get_position().intervaly return t1 > b2 and b1 < t2
[docs]def resolve_rows(rows): """ Recursively iterate over lists of axes merging them by their vertical overlap leaving a list of rows. """ merged_rows = [] for row in rows: overlap = False for mrow in merged_rows: if any(axis_overlap(ax1, ax2) for ax1 in row for ax2 in mrow): mrow += row overlap = True break if not overlap: merged_rows.append(row) if rows == merged_rows: return rows else: return resolve_rows(merged_rows)
[docs]def fix_aspect(fig, nrows, ncols, title=None, extra_artists=[], vspace=0.2, hspace=0.2): """ Calculate heights and widths of axes and adjust the size of the figure to match the aspect. """ fig.canvas.draw() w, h = fig.get_size_inches() # Compute maximum height and width of each row and columns rows = resolve_rows([[ax] for ax in fig.axes]) rs, cs = len(rows), max([len(r) for r in rows]) heights = [[] for i in range(cs)] widths = [[] for i in range(rs)] for r, row in enumerate(rows): for c, ax in enumerate(row): bbox = ax.get_tightbbox(fig.canvas.get_renderer()) heights[c].append(bbox.height) widths[r].append(bbox.width) height = (max([sum(c) for c in heights])) + nrows*vspace*fig.dpi width = (max([sum(r) for r in widths])) + ncols*hspace*fig.dpi # Compute aspect and set new size (in inches) aspect = height/width offset = 0 if title and title.get_text(): offset = title.get_window_extent().height/fig.dpi fig.set_size_inches(w, (w*aspect)+offset) # Redraw and adjust title position if defined fig.canvas.draw() if title and title.get_text(): extra_artists = [a for a in extra_artists if a is not title] bbox = get_tight_bbox(fig, extra_artists) top = bbox.intervaly[1] if title and title.get_text(): title.set_y((top/(w*aspect)))
[docs]def get_tight_bbox(fig, bbox_extra_artists=[], pad=None): """ Compute a tight bounding box around all the artists in the figure. """ renderer = fig.canvas.get_renderer() bbox_inches = fig.get_tightbbox(renderer) bbox_artists = bbox_extra_artists[:] bbox_artists += fig.get_default_bbox_extra_artists() bbox_filtered = [] for a in bbox_artists: bbox = a.get_window_extent(renderer) if isinstance(bbox, tuple): continue if a.get_clip_on(): clip_box = a.get_clip_box() if clip_box is not None: bbox = Bbox.intersection(bbox, clip_box) clip_path = a.get_clip_path() if clip_path is not None and bbox is not None: clip_path = clip_path.get_fully_transformed_path() bbox = Bbox.intersection(bbox, clip_path.get_extents()) if bbox is not None and (bbox.width != 0 or bbox.height != 0): bbox_filtered.append(bbox) if bbox_filtered: _bbox = Bbox.union(bbox_filtered) trans = Affine2D().scale(1.0 / fig.dpi) bbox_extra = TransformedBbox(_bbox, trans) bbox_inches = Bbox.union([bbox_inches, bbox_extra]) return bbox_inches.padded(pad) if pad else bbox_inches
[docs]def get_raster_array(image): """ Return the array data from any Raster or Image type """ if isinstance(image, RGB): rgb = image.rgb data = np.dstack([np.flipud(rgb.dimension_values(d, flat=False)) for d in rgb.vdims]) else: data = image.dimension_values(2, flat=False) if type(image) is Raster: data = data.T else: data = np.flipud(data) return data
[docs]def ring_coding(array): """ Produces matplotlib Path codes for exterior and interior rings of a polygon geometry. """ # The codes will be all "LINETO" commands, except for "MOVETO"s at the # beginning of each subpath n = len(array) codes = np.ones(n, dtype=Path.code_type) * Path.LINETO codes[0] = Path.MOVETO codes[-1] = Path.CLOSEPOLY return codes
[docs]def polygons_to_path_patches(element): """ Converts Polygons into list of lists of matplotlib.patches.PathPatch objects including any specified holes. Each list represents one (multi-)polygon. """ paths = element.split(datatype='array', dimensions=element.kdims) has_holes = isinstance(element, Polygons) and element.interface.has_holes(element) holes = element.interface.holes(element) if has_holes else None mpl_paths = [] for i, path in enumerate(paths): splits = np.where(np.isnan(path[:, :2].astype('float')).sum(axis=1))[0] arrays = np.split(path, splits+1) if len(splits) else [path] subpath = [] for j, array in enumerate(arrays): if j != (len(arrays)-1): array = array[:-1] if (array[0] != array[-1]).any(): array = np.append(array, array[:1], axis=0) interiors = [] for interior in (holes[i][j] if has_holes else []): if (interior[0] != interior[-1]).any(): interior = np.append(interior, interior[:1], axis=0) interiors.append(interior) vertices = np.concatenate([array]+interiors) codes = np.concatenate([ring_coding(array)]+ [ring_coding(h) for h in interiors]) subpath.append(PathPatch(Path(vertices, codes))) mpl_paths.append(subpath) return mpl_paths
[docs]class CFTimeConverter(NetCDFTimeConverter): """ Defines conversions for cftime types by extending nc_time_axis. """
[docs] @classmethod def convert(cls, value, unit, axis): if not nc_axis_available: raise ValueError('In order to display cftime types with ' 'matplotlib install the nc_time_axis ' 'library using pip or from conda-forge ' 'using:\n\tconda install -c conda-forge ' 'nc_time_axis') if isinstance(value, cftime_types): value = CalendarDateTime(value.datetime, value.calendar) elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): value = np.array([CalendarDateTime(v.datetime, v.calendar) for v in value]) return super(CFTimeConverter, cls).convert(value, unit, axis)
for cft in cftime_types: munits.registry[cft] = CFTimeConverter()