Options and OptionTrees allow different classes of options
(e.g. matplotlib-specific styles and plot specific parameters) to be
defined separately from the core data structures and away from
visualization specific code.
There are three classes that form the options system:
Used to define infinite cycles over a finite set of elements, using
either an explicit list or some pre-defined collection (e.g from
matplotlib rcParams). For instance, a Cycle object can be used loop
a set of display colors for multiple curves on a single axis.
Containers of arbitrary keyword values, including optional keyword
validation, support for Cycle objects and inheritance.
A subclass of AttrTree that is used to define the inheritance
relationships between a collection of Options objects. Each node
of the tree supports a group of Options objects and the leaf nodes
inherit their keyword values from parent nodes up to the root.
A singleton class that stores all global and custom options and
links HoloViews objects, the chosen plotting backend and the IPython
extension together.
import pickle
import traceback
import difflib
import inspect
from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
import param
from .accessors import Opts # noqa (clean up in 2.0)
from .tree import AttrTree
from .util import sanitize_identifier, group_sanitizer,label_sanitizer, basestring, OrderedDict
from .pprint import InfoPrinter
[docs]def cleanup_custom_options(id, weakref=None):
Cleans up unused custom trees if all objects referencing the
custom id have been garbage collected or tree is otherwise
if Store._options_context:
weakrefs = Store._weakrefs.get(id, [])
if weakref in weakrefs:
refs = []
for wr in list(weakrefs):
r = wr()
if r is None or r.id != id:
if not refs:
for bk in Store.loaded_backends():
if id in Store._custom_options[bk]:
if not weakrefs:
Store._weakrefs.pop(id, None)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception('Cleanup of custom options tree with id %s '
'failed with the following exception: %s, '
'an unreferenced orphan tree may persist in '
'memory' % (e, id))
[docs]def lookup_options(obj, group, backend):
Given a HoloViews object, a plot option group (e.g 'style') and
backend, return the corresponding Options object.
plot_class = None
plot_class = Store.renderers[backend].plotting_class(obj)
style_opts = plot_class.style_opts
except SkipRendering:
style_opts = None
node = Store.lookup_options(backend, obj, group)
if group == 'style' and style_opts is not None:
return node.filtered(style_opts)
elif group == 'plot' and plot_class:
return node.filtered(list(plot_class.param))
return node
[docs]class CallbackError(RuntimeError):
An error raised during a callback.
[docs]class SkipRendering(Exception):
A SkipRendering exception in the plotting code will make the display
hooks fall back to a text repr. Used to skip rendering of
DynamicMaps with exhausted element generators.
def __init__(self, message="", warn=True):
self.warn = warn
super(SkipRendering, self).__init__(message)
[docs]class OptionError(Exception):
Custom exception raised when there is an attempt to apply invalid
options. Stores the necessary information to construct a more
readable message for the user if caught and processed
def __init__(self, invalid_keyword, allowed_keywords,
group_name=None, path=None):
super(OptionError, self).__init__(self.message(invalid_keyword,
group_name, path))
self.invalid_keyword = invalid_keyword
self.allowed_keywords = allowed_keywords
self.group_name =group_name
self.path = path
def message(self, invalid_keyword, allowed_keywords, group_name, path):
msg = ("Invalid option %s, valid options are: %s"
% (repr(invalid_keyword), str(allowed_keywords)))
if path and group_name:
msg = ("Invalid key for group %r on path %r;\n"
% (group_name, path)) + msg
return msg
[docs]class AbbreviatedException(Exception):
Raised by the abbreviate_exception context manager when it is
appropriate to present an abbreviated the traceback and exception
message in the notebook.
Particularly useful when processing style options supplied by the
user which may not be valid.
def __init__(self, etype, value, traceback):
self.etype = etype
self.value = value
self.traceback = traceback
self.msg = str(value)
def __str__(self):
abbrev = '%s: %s' % (self.etype.__name__, self.msg)
msg = ('To view the original traceback, catch this exception '
'and call print_traceback() method.')
return '%s\n\n%s' % (abbrev, msg)
[docs] def print_traceback(self):
Print the traceback of the exception wrapped by the AbbreviatedException.
traceback.print_exception(self.etype, self.value, self.traceback)
[docs]class abbreviated_exception(object):
Context manager used to to abbreviate tracebacks using an
AbbreviatedException when a backend may raise an error due to
incorrect style options.
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, etype, value, traceback):
if isinstance(value, Exception):
raise AbbreviatedException(etype, value, traceback)
def options_policy(skip_invalid, warn_on_skip):
Context manager to temporarily set the skip_invalid and warn_on_skip
class parameters on Options.
settings = (Options.skip_invalid, Options.warn_on_skip)
(Options.skip_invalid, Options.warn_on_skip) = (skip_invalid, warn_on_skip)
(Options.skip_invalid, Options.warn_on_skip) = settings
[docs]class Keywords(param.Parameterized):
A keywords objects represents a set of Python keywords. It is
list-like and ordered but it is also a set without duplicates. When
passed as **kwargs, Python keywords are not ordered but this class
always lists keywords in sorted order.
In addition to containing the list of keywords, Keywords has an
optional target which describes what the keywords are applicable to.
This class is for internal use only and should not be in the user
values = param.List(doc="Set of keywords as a sorted list.")
target = param.String(allow_None=True, doc="""
Optional string description of what the keywords apply to.""")
def __init__(self, values=[], target=None):
strings = [isinstance(v, (str,basestring)) for v in values]
if False in strings:
raise ValueError('All keywords must be strings: {0}'.format(values))
super(Keywords, self).__init__(values=sorted(values),
def __add__(self, other):
if (self.target and other.target) and (self.target != other.target):
raise Exception('Targets must match to combine Keywords')
target = self.target or other.target
return Keywords(sorted(set(self.values + other.values)), target=target)
[docs] def fuzzy_match(self, kw):
Given a string, fuzzy match against the Keyword values,
returning a list of close matches.
return difflib.get_close_matches(kw, self.values)
def __repr__(self):
if self.target:
msg = 'Keywords({values}, target={target})'
info = dict(values=self.values, target=self.target)
msg = 'Keywords({values})'
info = dict(values=self.values)
return msg.format(**info)
def __str__(self): return str(self.values)
def __iter__(self): return iter(self.values)
def __bool__(self): return bool(self.values)
def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self.values)
def __contains__(self, val): return val in self.values
[docs]class Cycle(param.Parameterized):
A simple container class that specifies cyclic options. A typical
example would be to cycle the curve colors in an Overlay composed
of an arbitrary number of curves. The values may be supplied as
an explicit list or a key to look up in the default cycles
key = param.String(default='default_colors', allow_None=True, doc="""
The key in the default_cycles dictionary used to specify the
color cycle if values is not supplied. """)
values = param.List(default=[], doc="""
The values the cycle will iterate over.""")
default_cycles = {'default_colors': []}
def __init__(self, cycle=None, **params):
if cycle is not None:
if isinstance(cycle, basestring):
params['key'] = cycle
params['values'] = cycle
params['key'] = None
super(Cycle, self).__init__(**params)
self.values = self._get_values()
def __getitem__(self, num):
return self(values=self.values[:num])
def _get_values(self):
if self.values: return self.values
elif self.key:
return list(self.default_cycles[self.key])
raise ValueError("Supply either a key or explicit values.")
def __call__(self, values=None, **params):
values = values if values else self.values
return self.__class__(**dict(self.param.get_param_values(), values=values, **params))
def __len__(self):
return len(self.values)
def __repr__(self):
if self.key == self.param.objects(False)['key'].default:
vrepr = ''
elif self.key:
vrepr = repr(self.key)
vrepr = [str(el) for el in self.values]
return "%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__, vrepr)
def grayscale(val):
return (val, val, val, 1.0)
[docs]class Palette(Cycle):
Palettes allow easy specifying a discrete sampling
of an existing colormap. Palettes may be supplied a key
to look up a function function in the colormap class
attribute. The function should accept a float scalar
in the specified range and return a RGB(A) tuple.
The number of samples may also be specified as a
The range and samples may conveniently be overridden
with the __getitem__ method.
key = param.String(default='grayscale', doc="""
Palettes look up the Palette values based on some key.""")
range = param.NumericTuple(default=(0, 1), doc="""
The range from which the Palette values are sampled.""")
samples = param.Integer(default=32, doc="""
The number of samples in the given range to supply to
the sample_fn.""")
sample_fn = param.Callable(default=np.linspace, doc="""
The function to generate the samples, by default linear.""")
reverse = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether to reverse the palette.""")
# A list of available colormaps
colormaps = {'grayscale': grayscale}
def __init__(self, key, **params):
super(Cycle, self).__init__(key=key, **params)
self.values = self._get_values()
def __getitem__(self, slc):
Provides a convenient interface to override the
range and samples parameters of the Cycle.
Supplying a slice step or index overrides the
number of samples. Unsupplied slice values will be
(start, stop), step = self.range, self.samples
if isinstance(slc, slice):
if slc.start is not None:
start = slc.start
if slc.stop is not None:
stop = slc.stop
if slc.step is not None:
step = slc.step
step = slc
return self(range=(start, stop), samples=step)
def _get_values(self):
cmap = self.colormaps[self.key]
(start, stop), steps = self.range, self.samples
samples = [cmap(n) for n in self.sample_fn(start, stop, steps)]
return samples[::-1] if self.reverse else samples
[docs]class Options(param.Parameterized):
An Options object holds a collection of keyword options. In
addition, Options support (optional) keyword validation as well as
infinite indexing over the set of supplied cyclic values.
Options support inheritance of setting values via the __call__
method. By calling an Options object with additional keywords, you
can create a new Options object inheriting the parent options.
allowed_keywords = param.ClassSelector(class_=Keywords, doc="""
Optional list of strings corresponding to the allowed keywords.""")
key = param.String(default=None, allow_None=True, doc="""
Optional specification of the options key name. For instance,
key could be 'plot' or 'style'.""")
merge_keywords = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether to merge with the existing keywords if the corresponding
node already exists""")
skip_invalid = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether all Options instances should skip invalid keywords or
raise and exception. May only be specified at the class level.""")
warn_on_skip = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether all Options instances should generate warnings when
skipping over invalid keywords or not. May only be specified at
the class level.""")
_option_groups = ['style', 'plot', 'norm', 'output']
_output_allowed_kws = ['backend']
def __init__(self, key=None, allowed_keywords=[], merge_keywords=True,
max_cycles=None, **kwargs):
invalid_kws = []
for kwarg in sorted(kwargs.keys()):
if allowed_keywords and kwarg not in allowed_keywords:
if self.skip_invalid:
raise OptionError(kwarg, allowed_keywords)
if key and key[0].islower() and key not in self._option_groups:
raise Exception('Key %s does not start with a capitalized element class name and is not a group in %s'
% (repr(key), ', '.join(repr(el) for el in self._option_groups)))
for invalid_kw in invalid_kws:
error = OptionError(invalid_kw, allowed_keywords, group_name=key)
if invalid_kws and self.warn_on_skip:
self.param.warning("Invalid options %s, valid options are: %s"
% (repr(invalid_kws), str(allowed_keywords)))
self.kwargs = OrderedDict([(k,kwargs[k]) for k in sorted(kwargs.keys()) if k not in invalid_kws])
self._options = []
self._max_cycles = max_cycles
allowed_keywords = (allowed_keywords if isinstance(allowed_keywords, Keywords)
else Keywords(allowed_keywords))
super(Options, self).__init__(allowed_keywords=allowed_keywords,
merge_keywords=merge_keywords, key=key)
[docs] def keywords_target(self, target):
Helper method to easily set the target on the allowed_keywords Keywords.
self.allowed_keywords.target = target
return self
[docs] def filtered(self, allowed):
Return a new Options object that is filtered by the specified
list of keys. Mutating self.kwargs to filter is unsafe due to
the option expansion that occurs on initialization.
kws = {k:v for k,v in self.kwargs.items() if k in allowed}
return self.__class__(key=self.key,
merge_keywords=self.merge_keywords, **kws)
def __call__(self, allowed_keywords=None, **kwargs):
Create a new Options object that inherits the parent options.
if 'key' not in kwargs:
kwargs['key'] = self.key
allowed_keywords=self.allowed_keywords if allowed_keywords in [None,[]] else allowed_keywords
inherited_style = dict(allowed_keywords=allowed_keywords, **kwargs)
return self.__class__(**dict(self.kwargs, **inherited_style))
[docs] def keys(self):
"The keyword names across the supplied options."
return sorted(list(self.kwargs.keys()))
[docs] def max_cycles(self, num):
Truncates all contained Palette objects to a maximum number
of samples and returns a new Options object containing the
truncated or resampled Palettes.
kwargs = {kw: (arg[num] if isinstance(arg, Palette) else arg)
for kw, arg in self.kwargs.items()}
return self(max_cycles=num, **kwargs)
def cyclic(self):
"Returns True if the options cycle, otherwise False"
return any(isinstance(val, Cycle) for val in self.kwargs.values())
def __getitem__(self, index):
Infinite cyclic indexing of options over the integers,
looping over the set of defined Cycle objects.
if len(self.kwargs) == 0:
return {}
cycles = {k:v.values for k,v in self.kwargs.items() if isinstance(v, Cycle)}
options = {}
for key, values in cycles.items():
options[key] = values[index % len(values)]
static = {k:v for k,v in self.kwargs.items() if not isinstance(v, Cycle)}
return dict(static, **options)
def options(self):
"Access of the options keywords when no cycles are defined."
if not self.cyclic:
return self[0]
raise Exception("The options property may only be used"
" with non-cyclic Options.")
def __repr__(self):
kws = ', '.join("%s=%r" % (k,self.kwargs[k]) for k in sorted(self.kwargs.keys()))
if self.key and self.key[0].isupper() and kws:
return "%s(%s, %s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.key), kws)
elif self.key and self.key[0].isupper():
return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.key))
return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, kws)
def __str__(self):
return repr(self)
[docs]class OptionTree(AttrTree):
A subclass of AttrTree that is used to define the inheritance
relationships between a collection of Options objects. Each node
of the tree supports a group of Options objects and the leaf nodes
inherit their keyword values from parent nodes up to the root.
Supports the ability to search the tree for the closest valid path
using the find method, or compute the appropriate Options value
given an object and a mode. For a given node of the tree, the
options method computes a Options object containing the result of
inheritance for a given group up to the root of the tree.
When constructing an OptionTree, you can specify the option groups
as a list (i.e empty initial option groups at the root) or as a
dictionary (e.g groups={'style':Option()}). You can also
initialize the OptionTree with the options argument together with
the **kwargs - see StoreOptions.merge_options for more information
on the options specification syntax.
You can use the string specifier '.' to refer to the root node in
the options specification. This acts as an alternative was of
specifying the options groups of the current node. Note that this
approach method may only be used with the group lists format.
def __init__(self, items=None, identifier=None, parent=None,
groups=None, options=None, **kwargs):
if groups is None:
raise ValueError('Please supply groups list or dictionary')
_groups = {g:Options() for g in groups} if isinstance(groups, list) else groups
self.__dict__['groups'] = _groups
self.__dict__['_instantiated'] = False
AttrTree.__init__(self, items, identifier, parent)
self.__dict__['_instantiated'] = True
options = StoreOptions.merge_options(_groups.keys(), options, **kwargs)
root_groups = options.pop('.', None)
if root_groups and isinstance(groups, list):
self.__dict__['groups'] = {g:Options(**root_groups.get(g,{})) for g in _groups.keys()}
elif root_groups:
raise Exception("Group specification as a dictionary only supported if "
"the root node '.' syntax not used in the options.")
if options:
StoreOptions.apply_customizations(options, self)
def _merge_options(self, identifier, group_name, options):
Computes a merged Options object for the given group
name from the existing Options on the node and the
new Options which are passed in.
if group_name not in self.groups:
raise KeyError("Group %s not defined on SettingTree" % group_name)
if identifier in self.children:
current_node = self[identifier]
group_options = current_node.groups[group_name]
#When creating a node (nothing to merge with) ensure it is empty
group_options = Options(group_name,
override_kwargs = dict(options.kwargs)
old_allowed = group_options.allowed_keywords
override_kwargs['allowed_keywords'] = options.allowed_keywords + old_allowed
return (group_options(**override_kwargs)
if options.merge_keywords else Options(group_name, **override_kwargs))
except OptionError as e:
raise OptionError(e.invalid_keyword,
path = self.path)
def __getitem__(self, item):
if item in self.groups:
return self.groups[item]
return super(OptionTree, self).__getitem__(item)
def __getattr__(self, identifier):
Allows creating sub OptionTree instances using attribute
access, inheriting the group options.
return super(AttrTree, self).__getattr__(identifier)
except AttributeError: pass
if identifier.startswith('_'): raise AttributeError(str(identifier))
elif self.fixed==True: raise AttributeError(self._fixed_error % identifier)
valid_id = sanitize_identifier(identifier, escape=False)
if valid_id in self.children:
return self.__dict__[valid_id]
# When creating a intermediate child node, leave kwargs empty
self.__setattr__(identifier, {k:Options(k, allowed_keywords=v.allowed_keywords)
for k,v in self.groups.items()})
return self[identifier]
def __setattr__(self, identifier, val):
identifier = sanitize_identifier(identifier, escape=False)
new_groups = {}
if isinstance(val, dict):
group_items = val
elif isinstance(val, Options) and val.key is None:
raise AttributeError("Options object needs to have a group name specified.")
elif isinstance(val, Options) and val.key[0].isupper():
raise AttributeError("OptionTree only accepts Options using keys that are one of %s." %
', '.join(repr(el) for el in Options._option_groups))
elif isinstance(val, Options):
group_items = {val.key: val}
elif isinstance(val, OptionTree):
group_items = val.groups
current_node = self[identifier] if identifier in self.children else self
for group_name in current_node.groups:
options = group_items.get(group_name, False)
if options:
new_groups[group_name] = self._merge_options(identifier, group_name, options)
new_groups[group_name] = current_node.groups[group_name]
if new_groups:
data = self[identifier].items() if identifier in self.children else None
new_node = OptionTree(data, identifier=identifier, parent=self, groups=new_groups)
raise ValueError('OptionTree only accepts a dictionary of Options.')
super(OptionTree, self).__setattr__(identifier, new_node)
if isinstance(val, OptionTree):
for subtree in val:
self[identifier].__setattr__(subtree.identifier, subtree)
[docs] def find(self, path, mode='node'):
Find the closest node or path to an the arbitrary path that is
supplied down the tree from the given node. The mode argument
may be either 'node' or 'path' which determines the return
path = path.split('.') if isinstance(path, str) else list(path)
item = self
for child in path:
escaped_child = sanitize_identifier(child, escape=False)
matching_children = (c for c in item.children
if child.endswith(c) or escaped_child.endswith(c))
matching_children = sorted(matching_children, key=lambda x: -len(x))
if matching_children:
item = item[matching_children[0]]
return item if mode == 'node' else item.path
[docs] def closest(self, obj, group, defaults=True, backend=None):
This method is designed to be called from the root of the
tree. Given any LabelledData object, this method will return
the most appropriate Options object, including inheritance.
In addition, closest supports custom options by checking the
components = (obj.__class__.__name__,
target = '.'.join((c for c in components if c))
return self.find(components).options(
group, target=target, defaults=defaults, backend=backend)
[docs] def options(self, group, target=None, defaults=True, backend=None):
Using inheritance up to the root, get the complete Options
object for the given node and the specified group.
if target is None:
target = self.path
if self.groups.get(group, None) is None:
return None
if self.parent is None and target and (self is not Store.options(backend=backend)) and defaults:
root_name = self.__class__.__name__
replacement = root_name + ('' if len(target) == len(root_name) else '.')
option_key = target.replace(replacement,'')
match = Store.options(backend=backend).find(option_key)
if match is not Store.options(backend=backend):
return match.options(group)
return Options()
elif self.parent is None:
return self.groups[group]
parent_opts = self.parent.options(group,target, defaults, backend=backend)
return Options(**dict(parent_opts.kwargs, **self.groups[group].kwargs))
def __repr__(self):
Evalable representation of the OptionTree.
groups = self.__dict__['groups']
# Tab and group entry separators
tab, gsep = ' ', ',\n\n'
# Entry separator and group specifications
esep, gspecs = (",\n"+(tab*2)), []
for group in groups.keys():
especs, accumulator = [], []
if groups[group].kwargs != {}:
accumulator.append(('.', groups[group].kwargs))
for t, v in sorted(self.items()):
kwargs = v.groups[group].kwargs
accumulator.append(('.'.join(t), kwargs))
for (t, kws) in accumulator:
if group=='norm' and all(kws.get(k, False) is False for k in ['axiswise','framewise']):
elif kws:
especs.append((t, kws))
if especs:
format_kws = [(t,'dict(%s)'
% ', '.join('%s=%r' % (k,v) for k,v in sorted(kws.items())))
for t,kws in especs]
ljust = max(len(t) for t,_ in format_kws)
sep = (tab*2) if len(format_kws) >1 else ''
entries = sep + esep.join([sep+'%r : %s' % (t.ljust(ljust),v) for t,v in format_kws])
gspecs.append(('%s%s={\n%s}' if len(format_kws)>1 else '%s%s={%s}') % (tab,group, entries))
return 'OptionTree(groups=%s,\n%s\n)' % (groups.keys(), gsep.join(gspecs))
[docs]class Compositor(param.Parameterized):
A Compositor is a way of specifying an operation to be automatically
applied to Overlays that match a specified pattern upon display.
Any Operation that takes an Overlay as input may be used to define a
For instance, a compositor may be defined to automatically display
three overlaid monochrome matrices as an RGB image as long as the
values names of those matrices match 'R', 'G' and 'B'.
mode = param.ObjectSelector(default='data',
objects=['data', 'display'], doc="""
The mode of the Compositor object which may be either 'data' or
backends = param.List(default=[], doc="""
Defines which backends to apply the Compositor for.""")
operation = param.Parameter(doc="""
The Operation to apply when collapsing overlays.""")
pattern = param.String(doc="""
The overlay pattern to be processed. An overlay pattern is a
sequence of elements specified by dotted paths separated by * .
For instance the following pattern specifies three overlayed
matrices with values of 'RedChannel', 'GreenChannel' and
'BlueChannel' respectively:
'Image.RedChannel * Image.GreenChannel * Image.BlueChannel.
This pattern specification could then be associated with the RGB
operation that returns a single RGB matrix for display.""")
group = param.String(allow_None=True, doc="""
The group identifier for the output of this particular compositor""")
kwargs = param.Dict(doc="""
Optional set of parameters to pass to the operation.""")
transfer_options = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether to transfer the options from the input to the output.""")
transfer_parameters = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
Whether to transfer plot options which match to the operation.""")
operations = [] # The operations that can be used to define compositors.
definitions = [] # The set of all the compositor instances
[docs] @classmethod
def strongest_match(cls, overlay, mode, backend=None):
Returns the single strongest matching compositor operation
given an overlay. If no matches are found, None is returned.
The best match is defined as the compositor operation with the
highest match value as returned by the match_level method.
match_strength = [(op.match_level(overlay), op) for op in cls.definitions
if op.mode == mode and (not op.backends or backend in op.backends)]
matches = [(match[0], op, match[1]) for (match, op) in match_strength if match is not None]
if matches == []: return None
else: return sorted(matches)[0]
[docs] @classmethod
def collapse_element(cls, overlay, ranges=None, mode='data', backend=None):
Finds any applicable compositor and applies it.
from .element import Element
from .overlay import Overlay, CompositeOverlay
unpack = False
if not isinstance(overlay, CompositeOverlay):
overlay = Overlay([overlay])
unpack = True
prev_ids = tuple()
processed = defaultdict(list)
while True:
match = cls.strongest_match(overlay, mode, backend)
if match is None:
if unpack and len(overlay) == 1:
return overlay.values()[0]
return overlay
(_, applicable_op, (start, stop)) = match
if isinstance(overlay, Overlay):
values = overlay.values()
sliced = Overlay(values[start:stop])
values = overlay.items()
sliced = overlay.clone(values[start:stop])
items = sliced.traverse(lambda x: x, [Element])
if applicable_op and all(el in processed[applicable_op] for el in items):
return overlay
result = applicable_op.apply(sliced, ranges, backend)
if applicable_op.group:
result = result.relabel(group=applicable_op.group)
if isinstance(overlay, Overlay):
result = [result]
result = list(zip(sliced.keys(), [result]))
processed[applicable_op] += [el for r in result for el in r.traverse(lambda x: x, [Element])]
overlay = overlay.clone(values[:start]+result+values[stop:])
# Guard against infinite recursion for no-ops
spec_fn = lambda x: not isinstance(x, CompositeOverlay)
new_ids = tuple(overlay.traverse(lambda x: id(x), [spec_fn]))
if new_ids == prev_ids:
return overlay
prev_ids = new_ids
[docs] @classmethod
def collapse(cls, holomap, ranges=None, mode='data'):
Given a map of Overlays, apply all applicable compositors.
# No potential compositors
if cls.definitions == []:
return holomap
# Apply compositors
clone = holomap.clone(shared_data=False)
data = zip(ranges[1], holomap.data.values()) if ranges else holomap.data.items()
for key, overlay in data:
clone[key] = cls.collapse_element(overlay, ranges, mode)
return clone
[docs] @classmethod
def map(cls, obj, mode='data', backend=None):
Applies compositor operations to any HoloViews element or container
using the map method.
from .overlay import CompositeOverlay
element_compositors = [c for c in cls.definitions if len(c._pattern_spec) == 1]
overlay_compositors = [c for c in cls.definitions if len(c._pattern_spec) > 1]
if overlay_compositors:
obj = obj.map(lambda obj: cls.collapse_element(obj, mode=mode, backend=backend),
element_patterns = [c.pattern for c in element_compositors]
if element_compositors and obj.traverse(lambda x: x, element_patterns):
obj = obj.map(lambda obj: cls.collapse_element(obj, mode=mode, backend=backend),
return obj
def register(cls, compositor):
defined_patterns = [op.pattern for op in cls.definitions]
if compositor.pattern in defined_patterns:
if compositor.operation not in cls.operations:
def __init__(self, pattern, operation, group, mode, transfer_options=False,
transfer_parameters=False, output_type=None, backends=None, **kwargs):
self._pattern_spec, labels = [], []
for path in pattern.split('*'):
path_tuple = tuple(el.strip() for el in path.strip().split('.'))
if len(path_tuple) == 3:
if len(labels) > 1 and not all(l==labels[0] for l in labels):
raise KeyError("Mismatched labels not allowed in compositor patterns")
elif len(labels) == 1:
self.label = labels[0]
self.label = ''
self._output_type = output_type
super(Compositor, self).__init__(group=group,
backends=backends or [],
def output_type(self):
Returns the operation output_type unless explicitly overridden
in the kwargs.
return self._output_type or self.operation.output_type
def _slice_match_level(self, overlay_items):
Find the match strength for a list of overlay items that must
be exactly the same length as the pattern specification.
level = 0
for spec, el in zip(self._pattern_spec, overlay_items):
if spec[0] != type(el).__name__:
return None
level += 1 # Types match
if len(spec) == 1: continue
group = [el.group, group_sanitizer(el.group, escape=False)]
if spec[1] in group: level += 1 # Values match
else: return None
if len(spec) == 3:
group = [el.label, label_sanitizer(el.label, escape=False)]
if (spec[2] in group):
level += 1 # Labels match
return None
return level
[docs] def match_level(self, overlay):
Given an overlay, return the match level and applicable slice
of the overall overlay. The level an integer if there is a
match or None if there is no match.
The level integer is the number of matching components. Higher
values indicate a stronger match.
slice_width = len(self._pattern_spec)
if slice_width > len(overlay): return None
# Check all the possible slices and return the best matching one
best_lvl, match_slice = (0, None)
for i in range(len(overlay)-slice_width+1):
overlay_slice = overlay.values()[i:i+slice_width]
lvl = self._slice_match_level(overlay_slice)
if lvl is None: continue
if lvl > best_lvl:
best_lvl = lvl
match_slice = (i, i+slice_width)
return (best_lvl, match_slice) if best_lvl != 0 else None
[docs] def apply(self, value, input_ranges, backend=None):
Apply the compositor on the input with the given input ranges.
from .overlay import CompositeOverlay
if backend is None: backend = Store.current_backend
kwargs = {k: v for k, v in self.kwargs.items() if k != 'output_type'}
if isinstance(value, CompositeOverlay) and len(value) == 1:
value = value.values()[0]
if self.transfer_parameters:
plot_opts = Store.lookup_options(backend, value, 'plot').kwargs
kwargs.update({k: v for k, v in plot_opts.items()
if k in self.operation.param})
transformed = self.operation(value, input_ranges=input_ranges, **kwargs)
if self.transfer_options:
Store.transfer_options(value, transformed, backend)
return transformed
[docs]class Store(object):
The Store is what links up HoloViews objects to their
corresponding options and to the appropriate classes of the chosen
backend (e.g for rendering).
In addition, Store supports pickle operations that automatically
pickle and unpickle the corresponding options for a HoloViews
renderers = OrderedDict() # The set of available Renderers across all backends.
# A mapping from ViewableElement types to their corresponding plot
# types grouped by the backend. Set using the register method.
registry = {}
# A list of formats to be published for display on the frontend (e.g
# IPython Notebook or a GUI application)
display_formats = ['html']
# A mapping from Dimensioned type to display hook
_display_hooks = defaultdict(dict)
# Once register_plotting_classes is called, this OptionTree is
# populated for the given backend.
_options = {}
# Weakrefs to record objects per id
_weakrefs = {}
_options_context = False
# A list of hooks to call after registering the plot and style options
option_setters = []
# A dictionary of custom OptionTree by custom object id by backend
_custom_options = {'matplotlib':{}}
load_counter_offset = None
save_option_state = False
current_backend = 'matplotlib'
_backend_switch_hooks = []
[docs] @classmethod
def set_current_backend(cls, backend):
"Use this method to set the backend to run the switch hooks"
for hook in cls._backend_switch_hooks:
cls.current_backend = backend
def options(cls, backend=None, val=None):
backend = cls.current_backend if backend is None else backend
if val is None:
return cls._options[backend]
cls._options[backend] = val
[docs] @classmethod
def loaded_backends(cls):
Returns a list of the backends that have been loaded, based on
the available OptionTrees.
return sorted(cls._options.keys())
def custom_options(cls, val=None, backend=None):
backend = cls.current_backend if backend is None else backend
if val is None:
return cls._custom_options[backend]
cls._custom_options[backend] = val
[docs] @classmethod
def load(cls, filename):
Equivalent to pickle.load except that the HoloViews trees is
restored appropriately.
cls.load_counter_offset = StoreOptions.id_offset()
val = pickle.load(filename)
cls.load_counter_offset = None
return val
[docs] @classmethod
def loads(cls, pickle_string):
Equivalent to pickle.loads except that the HoloViews trees is
restored appropriately.
cls.load_counter_offset = StoreOptions.id_offset()
val = pickle.loads(pickle_string)
cls.load_counter_offset = None
return val
[docs] @classmethod
def dump(cls, obj, file, protocol=0):
Equivalent to pickle.dump except that the HoloViews option
tree is saved appropriately.
cls.save_option_state = True
pickle.dump(obj, file, protocol=protocol)
cls.save_option_state = False
[docs] @classmethod
def dumps(cls, obj, protocol=0):
Equivalent to pickle.dumps except that the HoloViews option
tree is saved appropriately.
cls.save_option_state = True
val = pickle.dumps(obj, protocol=protocol)
cls.save_option_state = False
return val
[docs] @classmethod
def info(cls, obj, ansi=True, backend='matplotlib', visualization=True,
recursive=False, pattern=None, elements=[]):
Show information about a particular object or component class
including the applicable style and plot options. Returns None if
the object is not parameterized.
parameterized_object = isinstance(obj, param.Parameterized)
parameterized_class = (isinstance(obj,type)
and issubclass(obj,param.Parameterized))
info = None
if parameterized_object or parameterized_class:
info = InfoPrinter.info(obj, ansi=ansi, backend=backend,
pattern=pattern, elements=elements)
if parameterized_object and recursive:
hierarchy = obj.traverse(lambda x: type(x))
listed = []
for c in hierarchy[1:]:
if c not in listed:
inner_info = InfoPrinter.info(c, ansi=ansi, backend=backend,
black = '\x1b[1;30m%s\x1b[0m' if ansi else '%s'
info += '\n\n' + (black % inner_info)
return info
def lookup_options(cls, backend, obj, group, defaults=True):
# Current custom_options dict may not have entry for obj.id
if obj.id in cls._custom_options[backend]:
return cls._custom_options[backend][obj.id].closest(
obj, group, defaults, backend=backend)
elif not defaults:
return Options()
return cls._options[backend].closest(obj, group, defaults, backend=backend)
[docs] @classmethod
def lookup(cls, backend, obj):
Given an object, lookup the corresponding customized option
tree if a single custom tree is applicable.
ids = set([el for el in obj.traverse(lambda x: x.id) if el is not None])
if len(ids) == 0:
raise Exception("Object does not own a custom options tree")
elif len(ids) != 1:
idlist = ",".join([str(el) for el in sorted(ids)])
raise Exception("Object contains elements combined across "
"multiple custom trees (ids %s)" % idlist)
return cls._custom_options[backend][list(ids)[0]]
[docs] @classmethod
def transfer_options(cls, obj, new_obj, backend=None):
Transfers options for all backends from one object to another.
Drops any options defined in the supplied drop list.
backend = cls.current_backend if backend is None else backend
type_name = type(new_obj).__name__
group = type_name if obj.group == type(obj).__name__ else obj.group
spec = '.'.join([s for s in (type_name, group, obj.label) if s])
options = []
for group in Options._option_groups:
opts = cls.lookup_options(backend, obj, group)
if opts and opts.kwargs: options.append(Options(group, **opts.kwargs))
if options:
StoreOptions.set_options(new_obj, {spec: options}, backend)
[docs] @classmethod
def add_style_opts(cls, component, new_options, backend=None):
Given a component such as an Element (e.g. Image, Curve) or a
container (e.g Layout) specify new style options to be
accepted by the corresponding plotting class.
Note: This is supplied for advanced users who know which
additional style keywords are appropriate for the
corresponding plotting class.
backend = cls.current_backend if backend is None else backend
if component not in cls.registry[backend]:
raise ValueError("Component %r not registered to a plotting class" % component)
if not isinstance(new_options, list) or not all(isinstance(el, str) for el in new_options):
raise ValueError("Please supply a list of style option keyword strings")
with param.logging_level('CRITICAL'):
for option in new_options:
if option not in cls.registry[backend][component].style_opts:
plot_class = cls.registry[backend][component]
plot_class.style_opts = sorted(plot_class.style_opts+[option])
cls._options[backend][component.name] = Options('style', merge_keywords=True, allowed_keywords=new_options)
[docs] @classmethod
def register(cls, associations, backend, style_aliases={}):
Register the supplied dictionary of associations between
elements and plotting classes to the specified backend.
if backend not in cls.registry:
cls.registry[backend] = {}
groups = Options._option_groups
if backend not in cls._options:
cls._options[backend] = OptionTree([], groups=groups)
if backend not in cls._custom_options:
cls._custom_options[backend] = {}
for view_class, plot in cls.registry[backend].items():
expanded_opts = [opt for key in plot.style_opts
for opt in style_aliases.get(key, [])]
style_opts = sorted(set(opt for opt in (expanded_opts + plot.style_opts)
if opt not in plot._disabled_opts))
# Special handling for PlotSelector which just proxies parameters
params = list(plot.param) if hasattr(plot, 'param') else plot.params()
plot_opts = [k for k in params if k not in ['name']]
with param.logging_level('CRITICAL'):
plot.style_opts = style_opts
plot_opts = Keywords(plot_opts, target=view_class.__name__)
style_opts = Keywords(style_opts, target=view_class.__name__)
opt_groups = {'plot': Options(allowed_keywords=plot_opts),
'output': Options(allowed_keywords=Options._output_allowed_kws),
'style': Options(allowed_keywords=style_opts),
'norm': Options(framewise=False, axiswise=False,
name = view_class.__name__
cls._options[backend][name] = opt_groups
[docs] @classmethod
def set_display_hook(cls, group, objtype, hook):
Specify a display hook that will be applied to objects of type
objtype. The group specifies the set to which the display hook
belongs, allowing the Store to compute the precedence within
each group.
cls._display_hooks[group][objtype] = hook
[docs] @classmethod
def render(cls, obj):
Using any display hooks that have been registered, render the
object to a dictionary of MIME types and metadata information.
class_hierarchy = inspect.getmro(type(obj))
hooks = []
for _, type_hooks in cls._display_hooks.items():
for cls in class_hierarchy:
if cls in type_hooks:
data, metadata = {}, {}
for hook in hooks:
ret = hook(obj)
if ret is None:
d, md = ret
return data, metadata
[docs]class StoreOptions(object):
A collection of utilities for advanced users for creating and
setting customized option trees on the Store. Designed for use by
either advanced users or the %opts line and cell magics which use
this machinery.
This class also holds general classmethods for working with
OptionTree instances: as OptionTrees are designed for attribute
access it is best to minimize the number of methods implemented on
that class and implement the necessary utilities on StoreOptions
Lastly this class offers a means to record all OptionErrors
generated by an option specification. This is used for validation
# OptionError recording #
_errors_recorded = None
[docs] @classmethod
def start_recording_skipped(cls):
Start collecting OptionErrors for all skipped options recorded
with the record_skipped_option method
cls._errors_recorded = []
[docs] @classmethod
def stop_recording_skipped(cls):
Stop collecting OptionErrors recorded with the
record_skipped_option method and return them
if cls._errors_recorded is None:
raise Exception('Cannot stop recording before it is started')
recorded = cls._errors_recorded[:]
cls._errors_recorded = None
return recorded
[docs] @classmethod
def record_skipped_option(cls, error):
Record the OptionError associated with a skipped option if
currently recording
if cls._errors_recorded is not None:
# ID management #
def get_object_ids(cls, obj):
return set(el for el
in obj.traverse(lambda x: getattr(x, 'id', None)))
[docs] @classmethod
def tree_to_dict(cls, tree):
Given an OptionTree, convert it into the equivalent dictionary format.
specs = {}
for k in tree.keys():
spec_key = '.'.join(k)
specs[spec_key] = {}
for grp in tree[k].groups:
kwargs = tree[k].groups[grp].kwargs
if kwargs:
specs[spec_key][grp] = kwargs
return specs
[docs] @classmethod
def propagate_ids(cls, obj, match_id, new_id, applied_keys, backend=None):
Recursively propagate an id through an object for components
matching the applied_keys. This method can only be called if
there is a tree with a matching id in Store.custom_options
applied = []
def propagate(o):
if o.id == match_id or (o.__class__.__name__ == 'DynamicMap'):
setattr(o, 'id', new_id)
obj.traverse(propagate, specs=set(applied_keys) | {'DynamicMap'})
# Clean up the custom tree if it was not applied
if not new_id in Store.custom_options(backend=backend):
raise AssertionError("New option id %d does not match any "
"option trees in Store.custom_options."
% new_id)
return applied
[docs] @classmethod
def capture_ids(cls, obj):
Given an list of ids, capture a list of ids that can be
restored using the restore_ids.
return obj.traverse(lambda o: getattr(o, 'id'))
[docs] @classmethod
def restore_ids(cls, obj, ids):
Given an list of ids as captured with capture_ids, restore the
ids. Note the structure of an object must not change between
the calls to capture_ids and restore_ids.
ids = iter(ids)
obj.traverse(lambda o: setattr(o, 'id', next(ids)))
[docs] @classmethod
def apply_customizations(cls, spec, options):
Apply the given option specs to the supplied options tree.
for key in sorted(spec.keys()):
if isinstance(spec[key], (list, tuple)):
customization = {v.key:v for v in spec[key]}
customization = {k:(Options(**v) if isinstance(v, dict) else v)
for k,v in spec[key].items()}
# Set the Keywords target on Options from the {type} part of the key.
customization = {k:v.keywords_target(key.split('.')[0])
for k,v in customization.items()}
options[str(key)] = customization
return options
[docs] @classmethod
def validate_spec(cls, spec, backends=None):
Given a specification, validated it against the options tree for
the specified backends by raising OptionError for invalid
options. If backends is None, validates against all the
currently loaded backend.
Only useful when invalid keywords generate exceptions instead of
skipping i.e Options.skip_invalid is False.
loaded_backends = Store.loaded_backends() if backends is None else backends
error_info = {}
backend_errors = defaultdict(set)
for backend in loaded_backends:
with options_policy(skip_invalid=True, warn_on_skip=False):
options = OptionTree(items=Store.options(backend).data.items(),
cls.apply_customizations(spec, options)
for error in cls.stop_recording_skipped():
error_key = (error.invalid_keyword,
error_info[error_key+(backend,)] = error.allowed_keywords
for ((keyword, target, group_name), backends) in backend_errors.items():
# If the keyword failed for the target across all loaded backends...
if set(backends) == set(loaded_backends):
key = (keyword, target, group_name, Store.current_backend)
raise OptionError(keyword,
[docs] @classmethod
def validation_error_message(cls, spec, backends=None):
Returns an options validation error message if there are any
invalid keywords. Otherwise returns None.
cls.validate_spec(spec, backends=backends)
except OptionError as e:
return e.format_options_error()
[docs] @classmethod
def expand_compositor_keys(cls, spec):
Expands compositor definition keys into {type}.{group}
keys. For instance a compositor operation returning a group
string 'Image' of element type RGB expands to 'RGB.Image'.
applied_keys = []
compositor_defs = {el.group:el.output_type.__name__
for el in Compositor.definitions}
for key, val in spec.items():
if key not in compositor_defs:
expanded_spec[key] = val
# Send id to Overlays
applied_keys = ['Overlay']
type_name = compositor_defs[key]
expanded_spec[str(type_name+'.'+key)] = val
return expanded_spec, applied_keys
[docs] @classmethod
def create_custom_trees(cls, obj, options=None):
Returns the appropriate set of customized subtree clones for
an object, suitable for merging with Store.custom_options (i.e
with the ids appropriately offset). Note if an object has no
integer ids a new OptionTree is built.
The id_mapping return value is a list mapping the ids that
need to be matched as set to their new values.
clones, id_mapping = {}, []
obj_ids = cls.get_object_ids(obj)
offset = cls.id_offset()
obj_ids = [None] if len(obj_ids)==0 else obj_ids
used_obj_types = [(opt.split('.')[0],) for opt in options]
available_options = Store.options()
used_options = {}
for obj_type in available_options:
if obj_type in used_obj_types:
opts_groups = available_options[obj_type].groups
used_options[obj_type] = {
grp: Options(allowed_keywords=opt.allowed_keywords)
for (grp, opt) in opts_groups.items()
custom_options = Store.custom_options()
for tree_id in obj_ids:
if tree_id is not None and tree_id in custom_options:
original = custom_options[tree_id]
clone = OptionTree(items = original.items(),
groups = original.groups)
clones[tree_id + offset + 1] = clone
id_mapping.append((tree_id, tree_id + offset + 1))
clone = OptionTree(groups=available_options.groups)
clones[offset] = clone
id_mapping.append((tree_id, offset))
# Nodes needed to ensure allowed_keywords is respected
for obj_type, opts in used_options.items():
clone[obj_type] = opts
return {k: cls.apply_customizations(options, t) if options else t
for k,t in clones.items()}, id_mapping
[docs] @classmethod
def merge_options(cls, groups, options=None,**kwargs):
Given a full options dictionary and options groups specified
as a keywords, return the full set of merged options:
>>> options={'Curve':{'style':dict(color='b')}}
>>> style={'Curve':{'linewidth':10 }}
>>> merged = StoreOptions.merge_options(['style'], options, style=style)
>>> sorted(merged['Curve']['style'].items())
[('color', 'b'), ('linewidth', 10)]
groups = set(groups)
if (options is not None and set(options.keys()) <= groups):
kwargs, options = options, None
elif (options is not None and any(k in groups for k in options)):
raise Exception("All keys must be a subset of %s"
% ', '.join(groups))
options = {} if (options is None) else dict(**options)
all_keys = set(k for d in kwargs.values() for k in d)
for spec_key in all_keys:
additions = {}
for k, d in kwargs.items():
if spec_key in d:
kws = d[spec_key]
if spec_key not in options:
options[spec_key] = {}
for key in additions:
if key in options[spec_key]:
options[spec_key][key] = additions[key]
return options
[docs] @classmethod
def state(cls, obj, state=None):
Method to capture and restore option state. When called
without any state supplied, the current state is
returned. Then if this state is supplied back in a later call
using the same object, the original state is restored.
if state is None:
ids = cls.capture_ids(obj)
original_custom_keys = set(Store.custom_options().keys())
return (ids, original_custom_keys)
(ids, original_custom_keys) = state
current_custom_keys = set(Store.custom_options().keys())
for key in current_custom_keys.difference(original_custom_keys):
del Store.custom_options()[key]
cls.restore_ids(obj, ids)
[docs] @classmethod
def options(cls, obj, options=None, **kwargs):
Context-manager for temporarily setting options on an object
(if options is None, no options will be set) . Once the
context manager exits, both the object and the Store will be
left in exactly the same state they were in before the context
manager was used.
See holoviews.core.options.set_options function for more
information on the options specification format.
if (options is None) and kwargs == {}: yield
Store._options_context = True
optstate = cls.state(obj)
groups = Store.options().groups.keys()
options = cls.merge_options(groups, options, **kwargs)
cls.set_options(obj, options)
if options is not None:
Store._options_context = True
cls.state(obj, state=optstate)
[docs] @classmethod
def id_offset(cls):
Compute an appropriate offset for future id values given the set
of ids currently defined across backends.
max_ids = []
for backend in Store.renderers.keys():
store_ids = Store.custom_options(backend=backend).keys()
max_id = max(store_ids)+1 if len(store_ids) > 0 else 0
# If no backends defined (e.g plotting not imported) return zero
return max(max_ids) if len(max_ids) else 0
[docs] @classmethod
def update_backends(cls, id_mapping, custom_trees, backend=None):
Given the id_mapping from previous ids to new ids and the new
custom tree dictionary, update the current backend with the
supplied trees and update the keys in the remaining backends to
stay linked with the current object.
backend = Store.current_backend if backend is None else backend
# Update the custom option entries for the current backend
# Propagate option ids for non-selected backends
for b in Store.loaded_backends():
if b == backend:
backend_trees = Store._custom_options[b]
for (old_id, new_id) in id_mapping:
tree = backend_trees.get(old_id, None)
if tree is not None:
backend_trees[new_id] = tree
[docs] @classmethod
def set_options(cls, obj, options=None, backend=None, **kwargs):
Pure Python function for customize HoloViews objects in terms of
their style, plot and normalization options.
The options specification is a dictionary containing the target
for customization as a {type}.{group}.{label} keys. An example of
such a key is 'Image' which would customize all Image components
in the object. The key 'Image.Channel' would only customize Images
in the object that have the group 'Channel'.
The corresponding value is then a list of Option objects specified
with an appropriate category ('plot', 'style' or 'norm'). For
instance, using the keys described above, the specs could be:
{'Image:[Options('style', cmap='jet')]}
Or setting two types of option at once:
{'Image.Channel':[Options('plot', size=50),
Options('style', cmap='Blues')]}
Relationship to the %%opts magic
This function matches the functionality supplied by the %%opts
cell magic in the IPython extension. In fact, you can use the same
syntax as the IPython cell magic to achieve the same customization
as shown above:
from holoviews.util.parser import OptsSpec
set_options(my_image, OptsSpec.parse("Image (cmap='jet')"))
Then setting both plot and style options:
set_options(my_image, OptsSpec.parse("Image [size=50] (cmap='Blues')"))
# Note that an alternate, more verbose and less recommended
# syntax can also be used:
# {'Image.Channel:{'plot': Options(size=50),
# 'style': Options('style', cmap='Blues')]}
options = cls.merge_options(Store.options(backend=backend).groups.keys(), options, **kwargs)
spec, compositor_applied = cls.expand_compositor_keys(options)
custom_trees, id_mapping = cls.create_custom_trees(obj, spec)
cls.update_backends(id_mapping, custom_trees, backend=backend)
# Propagate ids to the objects
not_used = []
for (match_id, new_id) in id_mapping:
applied = cls.propagate_ids(obj, match_id, new_id, compositor_applied+list(spec.keys()), backend=backend)
if not applied:
# Clean up unused custom option trees
for new_id in set(not_used):
return obj