from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from inspect import getmro
import param
from panel.pane import PaneBase
from panel.layout import Row, Tabs
from panel.util import param_name
from .core import DynamicMap, HoloMap, ViewableElement, Element, Layout, Overlay, Store
from .core.util import isscalar
from .element import Rectangles, Path, Polygons, Points, Table, Curve
from .plotting.links import VertexTableLink, DataLink, RectanglesTableLink, SelectionLink
from .streams import BoxEdit, PolyDraw, PolyEdit, Selection1D, PointDraw, CurveEdit
[docs]def preprocess(function, current=[]):
Turns a param.depends watch call into a preprocessor method, i.e.
skips all downstream events triggered by it.
NOTE: This is a temporary hack while the addition of preprocessors
in param is under discussion. This only works for the first
method which depends on a particular parameter.
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
self = args[0]
self.param._BATCH_WATCH = True
function(*args, **kwargs)
self.param._BATCH_WATCH = False
self.param._watchers = []
self.param._events = []
return inner
[docs]class annotate(param.ParameterizedFunction):
The annotate function allows drawing, editing and annotating any
given Element (if it is supported). The annotate function returns
a Layout of the editable plot and an Overlay of table(s), which
allow editing the data of the element. The edited and annotated
data may be accessed using the element and selected properties.
annotator = param.Parameter(doc="""The current Annotator instance.""")
annotations = param.ClassSelector(default=[], class_=(dict, list), doc="""
Annotations to associate with each object.""")
edit_vertices = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether to add tool to edit vertices.""")
empty_value = param.Parameter(default=None, doc="""
The value to insert on annotation columns when drawing a new
num_objects = param.Integer(default=None, bounds=(0, None), doc="""
The maximum number of objects to draw.""")
show_vertices = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether to show vertices when drawing the Path.""")
table_transforms = param.HookList(default=[], doc="""
Transform(s) to apply to element when converting data to Table.
The functions should accept the Annotator and the transformed
element as input.""")
table_opts = param.Dict(default={'editable': True, 'width': 400}, doc="""
Opts to apply to the editor table(s).""")
vertex_annotations = param.ClassSelector(default=[], class_=(dict, list), doc="""
Columns to annotate the Polygons with.""")
vertex_style = param.Dict(default={'nonselection_alpha': 0.5}, doc="""
Options to apply to vertices during drawing and editing.""")
_annotator_types = OrderedDict()
def annotated(self):
annotated = self.annotator.object
if Store.current_backend == 'bokeh':
return annotated.opts(clone=True, tools=['hover'])
def selected(self):
selected = self.annotator.selected
if Store.current_backend == 'bokeh':
return selected.opts(clone=True, tools=['hover'])
[docs] @classmethod
def compose(cls, *annotators):
"""Composes multiple annotator layouts and elements
The composed Layout will contain all the elements in the
supplied annotators and an overlay of all editor tables.
annotators: Annotator layouts or elements to compose
A new layout consisting of the overlaid plots and tables
layers = []
tables = []
for annotator in annotators:
if isinstance(annotator, Layout):
l, ts = annotator
tables += ts
elif isinstance(annotator, annotate):
tables += [t[0].object for t in annotator.editor]
elif isinstance(annotator, (HoloMap, ViewableElement)):
raise ValueError("Cannot compose %s type with annotators." %
tables = Overlay(tables, group='Annotator')
return (Overlay(layers).collate() + tables)
def __call__(self, element, **params):
overlay = element if isinstance(element, Overlay) else [element]
layers = []
annotator_type = None
for element in overlay:
matches = []
for eltype, atype in self._annotator_types.items():
if isinstance(element, eltype):
matches.append((getmro(type(element)).index(eltype), atype))
if matches:
if annotator_type is not None:
msg = ('An annotate call may only annotate a single element. '
'If you want to annotate multiple elements call annotate '
'on each one separately and then use the annotate.compose '
'method to combine them into a single layout.')
raise ValueError(msg)
annotator_type = sorted(matches)[0][1]
self.annotator = annotator_type(element, **params)
tables = Overlay([t[0].object for t in self.annotator.editor], group='Annotator')
layout = (self.annotator.plot + tables)
if annotator_type is None:
obj = overlay if isinstance(overlay, Overlay) else element
raise ValueError('Could not find an Element to annotate on'
'%s object.' % type(obj).__name__)
if len(layers) == 1:
return layers[0]
return self.compose(*layers)
[docs]class Annotator(PaneBase):
An Annotator allows drawing, editing and annotating a specific
type of element. Each Annotator consists of the `plot` to draw and
edit the element and the `editor`, which contains a list of tables,
which make it possible to annotate each object in the element with
additional properties defined in the `annotations`.
annotations = param.ClassSelector(default=[], class_=(dict, list), doc="""
Annotations to associate with each object.""")
default_opts = param.Dict(default={'responsive': True, 'min_height': 400,
'padding': 0.1, 'framewise': True}, doc="""
Opts to apply to the element.""")
empty_value = param.Parameter(default=None, doc="""
The value to insert on annotation columns when drawing a new
object = param.ClassSelector(class_=Element, doc="""
The Element to edit and annotate.""")
num_objects = param.Integer(default=None, bounds=(0, None), doc="""
The maximum number of objects to draw.""")
table_transforms = param.HookList(default=[], doc="""
Transform(s) to apply to element when converting data to Table.
The functions should accept the Annotator and the transformed
element as input.""")
table_opts = param.Dict(default={'editable': True, 'width': 400}, doc="""
Opts to apply to the editor table(s).""")
# Once generic editing tools are merged into bokeh this could
# include snapshot, restore and clear tools
_tools = []
# Allows patching on custom behavior
_extra_opts = {}
# Triggers for updates to the table
_triggers = ['annotations', 'object', 'table_opts']
# Links between plot and table
_link_type = DataLink
_selection_link_type = SelectionLink
priority = 0.7
[docs] @classmethod
def applies(cls, obj):
if 'holoviews' not in sys.modules:
return False
return isinstance(obj, cls.param.object.class_)
def _element_type(self):
return self.param.object.class_
def _object_name(self):
return self._element_type.__name__
def __init__(self, object=None, **params):
super(Annotator, self).__init__(None, **params)
self.object = self._process_element(object)
self._table_row = Row()
self.editor = Tabs(('%s' % param_name(, self._table_row))
self.plot = DynamicMap(self._get_plot)
self.plot.callback.inputs[:] = [self.object]
self._tables = []
self._stream.add_subscriber(self._update_object, precedence=0.1)
self._selection = Selection1D(source=self.plot)
self._update_links(), self._triggers)
self.layout[:] = [self.plot, self.editor]
@param.depends('annotations', 'object', 'default_opts')
def _get_plot(self):
return self._process_element(self.object)
def _get_model(self, doc, root=None, parent=None, comm=None):
return self.layout._get_model(doc, root, parent, comm)
def _update(self, event=None):
if event and == 'object':
with param.discard_events(self):
self.object = self._process_element(
def _update_links(self):
if hasattr(self, '_link'): self._link.unlink()
self._link = self._link_type(self.plot, self._table)
if self._selection_link_type:
if hasattr(self, '_selection_link'): self._selection_link.unlink()
self._selection_link = SelectionLink(self.plot, self._table)
def _update_object(self, data=None):
with param.discard_events(self):
if len(self._stream.source) == 0:
self.object = self._stream.element
def _update_table(self):
object = self.object
for transform in self.table_transforms:
object = transform(object)
self._table = Table(object, label=param_name(
show_title=False, **self.table_opts)
self._table_row[:] = [self._table]
[docs] def select(self, selector=None):
[docs] @classmethod
def compose(cls, *annotators):
"""Composes multiple Annotator instances and elements
The composed Panel will contain all the elements in the
supplied Annotators and Tabs containing all editors.
annotators: Annotator objects or elements to compose
A new Panel consisting of the overlaid plots and tables
layers, tables = [], []
for a in annotators:
if isinstance(a, Annotator):
tables += a.tables
elif isinstance(a, Element):
return Row(Overlay(layers).collate(), Tabs(*tables))
def tables(self):
return list(zip(self.editor._names, self.editor))
def selected(self):
return self.object.iloc[self._selection.index]
[docs]class PathAnnotator(Annotator):
Annotator which allows drawing and editing Paths and associating
values with each path and each vertex of a path using a table.
edit_vertices = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether to add tool to edit vertices.""")
object = param.ClassSelector(class_=Path, doc="""
Path object to edit and annotate.""")
show_vertices = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
Whether to show vertices when drawing the Path.""")
vertex_annotations = param.ClassSelector(default=[], class_=(dict, list), doc="""
Columns to annotate the Polygons with.""")
vertex_style = param.Dict(default={'nonselection_alpha': 0.5}, doc="""
Options to apply to vertices during drawing and editing.""")
_vertex_table_link = VertexTableLink
_triggers = ['annotations', 'edit_vertices', 'object', 'table_opts',
def __init__(self, object=None, **params):
self._vertex_table_row = Row()
super(PathAnnotator, self).__init__(object, **params)
self.editor.append(('%s Vertices' % param_name(,
def _init_stream(self):
name = param_name(
self._stream = PolyDraw(
source=self.plot, data={}, num_objects=self.num_objects,
show_vertices=self.show_vertices, tooltip='%s Tool' % name,
vertex_style=self.vertex_style, empty_value=self.empty_value
if self.edit_vertices:
self._vertex_stream = PolyEdit(
source=self.plot, tooltip='%s Edit Tool' % name,
def _process_element(self, element=None):
if element is None or not isinstance(element, self._element_type):
datatype = list(self._element_type.datatype)
element = self._element_type(element, datatype=datatype)
# Add annotation columns to poly data
validate = []
for col in self.annotations:
if col in element:
init = self.annotations[col]() if isinstance(self.annotations, dict) else ''
element = element.add_dimension(col, len(element.vdims), init, True)
for col in self.vertex_annotations:
if col in element:
elif isinstance(self.vertex_annotations, dict):
init = self.vertex_annotations[col]()
init = ''
element = element.add_dimension(col, len(element.vdims), init, True)
# Validate annotations
poly_data = {c: element.dimension_values(c, expanded=False)
for c in validate}
if validate and len(set(len(v) for v in poly_data.values())) != 1:
raise ValueError('annotations must refer to value dimensions '
'which vary per path while at least one of '
'%s varies by vertex.' % validate)
# Add options to element
tools = [tool() for tool in self._tools]
opts = dict(tools=tools, color_index=None, **self.default_opts)
return element.options(**{k: v for k, v in opts.items()
if k not in element.opts.get('plot').kwargs})
def _update_links(self):
super(PathAnnotator, self)._update_links()
if hasattr(self, '_vertex_link'): self._vertex_link.unlink()
self._vertex_link = self._vertex_table_link(self.plot, self._vertex_table)
def _update_object(self, data=None):
if self._stream.element is not None:
element = self._stream.element
if (element.interface.datatype == 'multitabular' and and isinstance([0], dict)):
for path in
for col in self.annotations:
if not isscalar(path[col]) and len(path[col]):
path[col] = path[col][0]
with param.discard_events(self):
self.object = element
def _update_table(self):
name = param_name(
annotations = list(self.annotations)
table = self.object
for transform in self.table_transforms:
table = transform(table)
table_data = {a: list(table.dimension_values(a, expanded=False))
for a in annotations}
self._table = Table(table_data, annotations, [], label=name).opts(
show_title=False, **self.table_opts)
self._vertex_table = Table(
[], table.kdims, list(self.vertex_annotations), label='%s Vertices' % name
).opts(show_title=False, **self.table_opts)
self._table_row[:] = [self._table]
self._vertex_table_row[:] = [self._vertex_table]
def selected(self):
index = self._selection.index
data = [p for i, p in enumerate(self._stream.element.split()) if i in index]
return self.object.clone(data)
[docs]class PolyAnnotator(PathAnnotator):
Annotator which allows drawing and editing Polygons and associating
values with each polygon and each vertex of a Polygon using a table.
object = param.ClassSelector(class_=Polygons, doc="""
Polygon element to edit and annotate.""")
class _GeomAnnotator(Annotator):
default_opts = param.Dict(default={'responsive': True, 'min_height': 400,
'padding': 0.1, 'framewise': True}, doc="""
Opts to apply to the element.""")
_stream_type = None
__abstract = True
def _init_stream(self):
name = param_name(
self._stream = self._stream_type(
source=self.plot, data={}, num_objects=self.num_objects,
tooltip='%s Tool' % name, empty_value=self.empty_value
def _process_element(self, object):
if object is None or not isinstance(object, self._element_type):
object = self._element_type(object)
# Add annotations
for col in self.annotations:
if col in object:
init = self.annotations[col]() if isinstance(self.annotations, dict) else ''
object = object.add_dimension(col, len(object.vdims), init, True)
# Add options
tools = [tool() for tool in self._tools]
opts = dict(tools=tools, **self.default_opts)
return object.options(**{k: v for k, v in opts.items()
if k not in object.opts.get('plot').kwargs})
[docs]class PointAnnotator(_GeomAnnotator):
Annotator which allows drawing and editing Points and associating
values with each point using a table.
default_opts = param.Dict(default={'responsive': True, 'min_height': 400,
'padding': 0.1, 'size': 10,
'framewise': True}, doc="""
Opts to apply to the element.""")
object = param.ClassSelector(class_=Points, doc="""
Points element to edit and annotate.""")
_stream_type = PointDraw
[docs]class CurveAnnotator(_GeomAnnotator):
Annotator which allows editing a Curve element and associating values
with each vertex using a Table.
default_opts = param.Dict(default={'responsive': True, 'min_height': 400,
'padding': 0.1, 'framewise': True}, doc="""
Opts to apply to the element.""")
object = param.ClassSelector(class_=Curve, doc="""
Points element to edit and annotate.""")
vertex_style = param.Dict(default={'size': 10}, doc="""
Options to apply to vertices during drawing and editing.""")
_stream_type = CurveEdit
def _init_stream(self):
name = param_name(
self._stream = self._stream_type(
source=self.plot, data={}, tooltip='%s Tool' % name,
[docs]class RectangleAnnotator(_GeomAnnotator):
Annotator which allows drawing and editing Rectangles and associating
values with each point using a table.
object = param.ClassSelector(class_=Rectangles, doc="""
Points element to edit and annotate.""")
_stream_type = BoxEdit
_link_type = RectanglesTableLink
# Register Annotators
(Polygons, PolyAnnotator),
(Path, PathAnnotator),
(Points, PointAnnotator),
(Curve, CurveAnnotator),
(Rectangles, RectangleAnnotator),
# Alias: remove before 1.13.0 release
BoxAnnotator = RectangleAnnotator